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Maya's P.O.V

They want something in return.
They want something in return.

What do they want in return?
I don't understand. They're loaded with money. So, that is a negative. A favour, maybe. But the question is, What kind of favour? Uncle don't seems to be very happy about the 'deal'. Then again, Rose's words rings in my head.

They want me in their life.

Why would they want me in their life?

They want your affection.
They need your trust.

Are they trying to adopt me or something, because they kind of were very interested in my violin skills and also praised me non stop. "Oh my god! Are they trying to sponsor me? Woh! Maya...Stop stop stop. Hold your horses. You can't be that lucky huh?"

What do they want then? They seemed genuine, when they said, they want to protect me. Whatever they want, I think uncle is reluctant about it. Hmn I think, I'll leave it for uncle to decide. That's what he said. Don't let my pretty little head to worry about it.

Sure, I can do that.

I don't know how long I have been sitting in my bed, reading this book.
The house seems quite. Where is everyone? When I look out of the window, its almost sunset. Let's go check on them.

I crawled out of my bed. I stretched a bit and went out of the room in search of Uncle and Rose. After searching every room, I was about to go down to the kitchen to get some green tea, when I heard uncle's voice coming out of the studies. There they are. I was about to open the door to the room, when I decided against it. What are they talking about?

"No, Leonardo is a tough men. I know him for years. When he wants something, he would go to any extend to get it." Uncle said. But his next word shocked me to the core. "You should have listined to the conversation we had. He is so obsessed with Maya, nothing, I mean nothing in the world can stop him from getting to her."

Oh My God. That means he lied? He lied about having a rival. He lied about everything. He send me here to hide me from that Crazy men, who I was all along trying to escape. Oh no. He already reached out to Uncle Ben.
What was he thinking, involving all these people's safety, while asking for protection?

I should go and confront him.

"But he doesn't know how tough we are Ben." Roman I think. "He have to go through us, before he gets to her, which I assure you, will be a death wish for him." Xander said. His voice was on edge. Why are they so mulish on protecting me?

'Curiousity killed the cat.'

When the next words left Grayson's mouth, I couldn't move. As if I'm Stuck, but I couldn't feel the floor beneath me either. "I know Ben, you find it difficult to believe that, we are equally in love with her and fell for her together, but if you ever were in love, you would understand, what we are going through right now. How bad we want to be her protector right now." Wait what?

He is in love with me..No scratch that. they are in love with me? Together?
As in Grayson, Roman and Xander. Together. What is this, some kind of claim game? Who do they think they are? And what do they take me as? A stupid naive girl, who is an easy lay?
Just because they were blessed with wealth and good looks, they think they can have anyone? No. Not me.

Enough is enough. I burst through the door. If it was a normal time, I would have laughed at those hilarious faces they are making, but not now. I need answers. I looked at each of them in their eyes and said. "I don't care who the hell you are and why you all want me, but I don't need you. None of you. And I won't let anyone make that decision for me."

Maya...The Illusion (MAJOR EDITING)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum