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Maya's POV

"Maya I'll be in the study for a while. Will you be fine alone?" Asked Rose, getting up from the couch. "Its ok Rose. Erik is here." I replied looking his way. "That is why, I asked the question in the first place, Maya?" she said, eyeing Erik. He smirked at her remark. These two. What are they? 15? "It's my duty meine Leibe. Don't worry about her. Aa..If you need my assistance sometimes, I'm at your service. Dont hesitate to call out for me." he said, stressing on the word assistance.

"I told you. I don't speak Russian." Rose huffed at him. "German, darling. I'm from Germany." he said with an amused face, trying very hard not to laugh. "Good for you." She said, embarrassed and walked away. After she left, I decided to Ask Erik few questions, to know him better.

I found out that he was in military before he retired and has worked for FBI, for almost 10 years. And when he was 50, he finally decided to work individually. He never knew his family, because he was grown in orphanage, and that's the main reason, he accepted the job to protect me, when offered.

"I really appreciate your help." I said, genuinely thanking him. I asked him, If he need anything to eat, before heading towards the kitchen to get a glass of water for myself. While returning, I heard the door bell. Erik took out his gun and went towards the door to open it. He saw through the peep hole and looked at me confused.

"Do you know who that is kind?" (kid in German)He asked me. I peep through the hole and found a familiar face. What is she doing here? 'Yes' I said and he lowered his gun to open the door. As soon as it was open, Sophia burst in. She was taken aback by Erik's cold expression for a second, but covered it up immediately with a cold glare at him as well.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her confused. When the boys are not here. "Oh you know me?" She asked surprised. I nodded my head. "Good then. I'll skip the introduction and jump to the point, because I don't have time." Erik and me exchanged looks, when she took her phone out.

"I want you to hear this Audio carefully. No offense but this proofs, how stupid you are and how the Osborne brothers are using you. And if you have any doubt or questions, you may ask your so called..lovers." she said, smirking. The audio started playing and without any doubt I can tell, who were these people.

(X Xander, R Roman,G Grayson & L Leo in this Audio)

L: Hello,who are you and how did you get my number?

X: That is not important. What is important is, we have the girl, Maya, you're looking for.

L: Who are you, mother fucker!?

R: Calm down Leo, we are not your friends, but we are not enemies either.

L: Fine. Then tell me where is the girl?
And most importantly, why are you helping me?

G: We want Revenge from Ben. So we're going to use her for sometime and then, we'll let her go.

L: You'll not touch the girl. I'm warning you. I want her in One piece.

R: Don't worry, we have no interest in bedding her. We have enough women by our side to keep us content.

L: You said, you are using her. How?

X: Yes, The Bastard Ben, used someone we know and threw her away, when she was of no use to him anymore. She was madly in love with him.We just want him to taste his own Medicine.

G: We are trying our very best for Maya to trust us and make her fall in love with us. Once it's done, we will break her heart, the same way, he did to our aunt. Then once we would have our revenge, we will bring her to you. And she is all yours there after.

Maya...The Illusion (MAJOR EDITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz