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Hanabi's POV

That was epic! I still can't believed that I just rapped and danced in front of a lot of people and also Gusion. Wait a minute, I just sang and danced in front of Gusion: he will never let me off with his teasing. I hated his teases, they're so annoying to hear. 

After I said goodbye to Fanny and Miya, I walked towards Guison, but he was nowhere to be found. I walked away from the crowd, hoping I could have a better chance at finding him there. I then saw a cute kitten in front of me. "Oh my god! It's so cute," I squealed as extended my hand to pat it's head. 

The kitten hissed at me an backed away from. It looked like it was a few weeks old. I looked around, hoping to find its mother, but I couldn't. "It's okay, I won't hurt you," I said it in a soft tone as I again tried to pet it. I let it sniffed my hand, so I could let the kitten to trust me. I got closer and gently scratched it's chin. I could feel it purring against my fingers. So cute!

I hold my palm out on the ground, hoping it would climbed onto my hand; and it did. I then cradled the orange kitten in my arms, like holding a few days baby. I feel the kitten again purring against, as if it wanted to feel more of my touch. 

Then just out of the blue, I felt a pair or arms slithered around my waist. I kicked the person at the knee and using my free hand to take my kunai, that I secretly hid it under my dress and strapped to my thigh. I looked at the culprit and it none other than my escort. Oh no.

"Gah! You still have that fast reflexes," he said as wined in pain. 

I am so dead. After he managed to get over the pain, he then looked at me and then his eyes laid on the kitten in my arms. "Cute kitten," he complemented as he wanted to touch the kitten. But the kitten hissed at him and almost scratched his hands with it's claw.

"Wow, feisty. Kinda like you," he then complemented. I could feel my cheeks heating up. Ugh! I hated when he complemented me. 

"I guess no everyone if affected by your charms," I teased him so I could change the topic.

"But it did effect you right?" his sly smirk was plastered on his face. I just rolled my eyes at him. 

Then we heard a loud 'meow' in a distance, like a mother, who is calling out for its lost child. I looked at the source of the sound and saw an orange female cat, looking around. I think it was its mother. And I was right, I looked down at the kitten and saw it meowing for its mom. I walked to the mother and put the kitten down. I watched as the kitten ran into its mother's embrace and both walked away happily. 

I looked at the kitten and its mom, I wished I could had that time with my mother like that kitten. I never met my mom, I wished I could meet her, even if just a second. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I let the clear beads rolled down my cheeks. I didn't care if I was crying in front of Gusion, I just wished I could meet my birth parents. 

As if he knew I was thinking, Gusion gently pulled me into a comforting hug, after he saw my tears. He gently caressed my hair, just to comfort me and told me to let it all out. I couldn't hold it in anymore and just cried on his chest. I lost a lot of people in my life, I just wished I could be with them a bit more longer, I wished could.    

We just stood there for a few moments. As the park was completely silent, everything was dark and the only illuminating our surroundings was the gentle lights from the hundreds of fireflies. He then looked at me in the eye and he brought his face close to mine. He then placed soft kisses on both side of my eyes. Did he really kissed away my tears? 

I looked around and I was memorized by these gentle lights and I didn't noticed that we were near the lake. I put back my kunai backed to its strap and walked towards the lake. As I was busy admiring the amazing scenery, Gusion eventually stood beside me and joined me to admire the beautiful scenery. 

"It's been a long since I get a chance to relax and enjoy a bit of nature," said Gusion. 

"You're joking, right?" I asked. 

He shook his head, "The last time I got a time like this was when my mother was still alive and I was little".

I never knew he had a soft spot in his heart. I guessed he was not as cold as I thought he is. I wanted to asked him something that had been haunting me for a while, but I think it wasn't a good time to ask. And again as if he knew I was thinking he told me, "If you have something to ask me Hana, you can just say it to me. I won't be offended". I really got to stop spending time with this guy. 

I took a deep breath in and let my mouth do the talking, "Why are you treating me like this, when you already have a girlfriend?"

He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Who said anything about me having a girlfriend? I'm single," he replied. 

"You're kidding, right?" I asked and just shook his head.

"I thought you and Lesley are back as a couple and you kept treating me like this, and you always make me confused of your feelings towards me".

"I'm so tired of guessing of what you're feeling! It feels like torture to me. I hated when you always toy with my feelings and I hate you for making me feel this!" I was basically yelling at him in anger at this point.

"Am I really that weak? Is that all you and everyone else see in me? A weak ninja?" I hiccupping my questions out, as I was sobbing. I couldn't hold back my true feelings of him. I wasn't lying at all, I was always confused when he was being nice and romantic towards me. I don't understand why he would make me feel like this. 

He again pulled me into a comforting hug and I just sobbed on his chest. I really don't understand him and I don't understand myself. "I never told you how I feel because I enjoyed watching you guess, I loved watching your expressions and you reminded me so much of my mother," he explained to me. 

My eyes widen in surprised, I reminded him of his mom. Then he did something I never expected of him to do, he apologized, "I'm sorry for letting you feel like this Hana. I really care about you".

He looked I noticed he was smiling at me, when my cheeks were starting to flush. "You look cute when you blush," he complemented me. 

"I love you," I can't believe he said those three words to me. "How about we make this official?" he asked as he took out a purple box. 

"What's this?" I looked at him and he gestured me to open it. 

I did as he said and opened it. It was the kunai I saw at the shop yesterday. "Would you be my girlfriend Hana?" he asked. 

What? He wants me to be his girlfriend? I could faint right now in happiness, but I was still afraid. He could see it in my eye that I was unsure and afraid. "This time Hanabi, no more confusion. I will tell you everything form now on". 

I looked deep into his violet orbs and I knew he was telling it all straight from the heart. Maybe I should stop doubting and start believing. "What you say Hana, will you be mine?" he asked again. 

"I always thought relationships are just useless, will slow me down and will just blind me of my goals," I said. He looked like he surprised as it was not the answer he was looking for, but I was not done talking yet. 

"But I'm willing to give it a try," I smiled as I agreed to be his girlfriend. He smiled in relief, as that was the answer he was expecting. He then grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss. 

Usually I would pushed him away, but why would I do that to my boyfriend. He gently pulled away from our long kiss, and I enjoyed the night by being in his warm embrace. I guess the string of fate had lead me to the love of my life. 

That night was the starting of a brand new future for us with highs and lows. 


Hey guys because of a mischievous brother these last two chapters were accidently publish. They were supposed to be publish in the later two days. So I have to tell you guys about the surprise. This is the last chapter for this season. 

Don't worry, check my account for tomorrow's surprised. 

It will be worth it. Well, that's all from me, see you later in the Land of Dawn.

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