S.A.B.E.R. vs V.E.N.O.M.

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3rd's person POV

After Harley accidently let go of the Magic Cube, because of Layla's energy ray, both Gusion and Saber raced to catch the Magic Cube.

Hanabi tossed her kunai and it pinned the Magic Cube to a tall building. Hanabi looked and Angela and nodded at her, signaling her to quickly get the cube. But, Cyclops was making it difficult for her as he used his basic attacks on her. She quickly retreated back to her tank. As Gusion and Saber continued to attck each other, Hanabi took the chance to sneak pass the fight and take the magic her. Unfortunately, Rafaela managed to spot her and electrocute with her staff. Even though she was electrocuted, Hanabi kept reaching for the cube. Rafaela quickly healed her leader and informed him of the problem.

As Gusion lauched his attack, Saber blocked it with his swords and pushed him away; Gusion landed safely, but he was too far away from his oponent, he realised that he messed up. He quickly ran to Hanabi, but Cyclops used his ultimate on the white haired asssaain, immoblizing him. The effects were too long and he would not reach to his female comrade on time. He threw one of his daggers towars Hanabi. While Hanabi was climbing the building, she noticed the neon green blade and quickly caught it. She immediatly knew, it was a warning.

She quickly kept climbing until she finally reached the Magic Cube. "At last, they will be on their knees," she mumbled as she reaced for the cube.

Saber did not want the cube to fell into the hands of the V.E.N.O.M. squad, he had no other choice. He stabbed the ninja at her lower abdomen. Hanabi was shocked, that the leader of the S.A.B.E.R. squad had striked her so mercilessly. Her spider legs failed to keep holding the ninja, as Hanabi plummited to the hard concrete ground.

Gusion withness it all and was now raged with anger. "Harley! Attack Saber now!" he angrily ordered the mage.

Harley hesisted, but he could not disobey an order. Gusion quickly rushed and caught the falling ninja. Her face was pale and he could see the blood running down her mouth. She was defeated. Saber took the cube and dashed back to his tank as he avoided Harley's attack. With that, he and Johnson retreted back to their base, leaving the defeted V.E.N.O.M. squad; with the rest of the S.A.B.E.R. squad following them. As they left, Angela rushed to Hanabi and looked at her wound.

"Is she gonna be alright, Angela?" Gusion worriedly asked his squad's support.

"She is losing a lot of blood," she inspected, "but if we hurry, she will be okey".

"Harley get the ship down here now," he ordered. As Harley brought down the ship, Gusion helped Angela stopped the bleeding.

When they arrived back at their base, Grock quickly carried Hanabi to the infirmary with Angela, flying beside him. Gusion walked in as he watched his tank carry their comrade. If he had quickly teleported to the dagger, that was with his famale comrade, he could had save her from a bloody faith.

As he was about to catch up with the android and the lizard, Harley reported that Dr. Leo requsted a meeting with him. 'This is not the right time, but an order is an order,' he thought as he walked to his meeting.

Hours later, Grock was waiting outside of the infimary as Gusion finally appeared after his meeting with Dr. Leo. "How is she?" he asked.

"Nephila is still in surgery," Grock replied.

Gusion sighed as he thought the surgery was short. He told Grock to get some rest as he will wait for the surgery to be over. Grock nodded and went back to his quaters. Gusion watched as Angela carefully treated Hanabi's serious injury. He clenched his fists in anger, he was mad at the leader of the S.A.B.E.R. squad. How dared he stiked his squad's marksman. He went back to his room to relax his mind, before a lot of furniture would be destroy in the process. He sat on his bed as he did some research. He wanted to end S.A.B.E.R.'s future plans and put an end to the squad once and for all.

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