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Hanabi's POV

I woke up early the next day, but why does my bed felt a bit hard and why was the light so bright? I then saw a familiar looking figure hovering above me. I blinked my eyes multiple times, so I could adjust my eyes to the bright light. I looked at the figure again and saw my captain's head hovering over mind.

"Is it really going to hurt her?" he asked to someone else in the room.

"It wil be extremely painful to her, but after a week of rest she will be fine," a sweet explained to him.

"This operation is important Vespid, with these legs, she would be more powerful".

My eyes widen when I heard the word operation. I immedietly sat up, but I was restrained by some leather restrains. "Nephila, you're awake," he said in surprise.

I strugged in the restrains, hoping that it will be a bit loose. Unfortunately, they were not. "What is the meaning of this?! What operation?! What the hell are you people going to do to me?!" I angerily yelled as I demanded an explanation.

"Calm down, Hanabi," Gusion tried to reasured me. "We just going to attached these spider legs onto your lower back, you will be much stronger this way," he explained.

"What?!" I yelled at him, "this was not part of the deal Gusion! I want out of this thing and I want out of this crazy squad!"

He turned to Angela and ordered her to leave me and Gusion alone for a moment. She just nodded and walked out of the room. He turned to me as I kept struggling in the restraints. "Hanabi," he was about to say something, but I continued to yell at him.

"Let me go! I don't want to do anything for this stupid squad! I want..." he silenced me with a kiss.

I swore I did not kissed back, I froze in shocked. He eventually broke the kiss and looked deep into my scarlet eyes, looking for something in my eyes. Even his intense stares could silent me in an instant. After seeing me stopped struggling, he undid the restraints. I then just realized that I was just in my underclothes. He took a blanket and wrapped it around me. I just blushed at his sudden actions, who would not blushed in this current state.

"Hanabi, remember what I said about our deal?" he asked about deal.

"All I remembered that your squad would help me to beat S.A.B.E.R. and let me take the final blow for you,"I replied as I looked away from, I did not wat to look at him in the eye.

"No, Hanabi. I said you wouldn't be pawn in my plans. I want to help you and I am helping you".

"How is this helping me? Installing those legs onto my body? How is that going to help me?"

"These legs will give you the ability to climb like a spider. It will help you become more stealth in battle. You will be able to surpass every marksmen in the whole Land of Dawn".

"Why didn't you tell me from the start?"

"If I told you, would you want to join?" he asked. I looked dowat the ground, I guessed he was right. If he did not told me, I would not joined the squad, but I did not expected this to happen to me. .

"I understand that you wouldn't want to go through with the operation, but I just hoped that you would trust me".

I did not knew anything anymore. Do I trust him now? Should I trust him on this operation? He made a promise that he would help me in anyway he could; and he did. He just wanted to help me and I just questioned his judgement. Maybe I should trust him. Just this once, maybe he was really truthful to his words.

"Alright," I agreed, "I will go through with the operation, if it would really make me stronger".

He grabbed my chin and kissed my forehead. What the hell? Usually he would kiss me passionately or gave me playful pecks, but he was really comforting me.

"Angela," he called Angela back into the room.

"Yes captain," she entered back into the room.

"Continue with the operation," he ordered. She just nodded and start getting ready.

He kissed my forehead again and told me that he would be outside, watching and waiting for my operation to be over. I just nodded and looked away from him, to hid away my feelings from him. Angela came close to me and put an oxegen mask over my nose and mouth, but it was not oxegen I was breathing. After a few deep breathes, I felt my eyes getting more and more heavy and I got knocked out. The last thing I saw was Gusion smiling at me. He leaned down and whispered something into my ear. I was not sure if I heard it correctly or not, but he whispered, 'I'm here'.

Gusion's POV

I gently laid her head on the bed as she was knocked out by the gas Angela gave her to breathe in. "You got it from here Angela, make sure she's alive," I warned her.

"Yes captain," she saluted as she began the operation. I walked out of the room and watched the entire operation through the window, that was installed.

I had seen a lot of things, but seeing Nephila in this operation made me felt uneasy somehow. In the endless hallway, I heard heavy footsteps and I recognized those footsteps. "Do you have any report Grock?"

"Harley says, that Harley is hungry," he replied.

I sighed in annoyance because almost everyone in this squad was horrible at cooking, well including me. Tried it once and never gonna do it again.

"Tell him after in few hours, Angela is busy right now," I told him.

He just nodded at me as he walked away. I looked back the operation and I saw Angela installing the fourth leg onto Hanabi. I felt really uneasy for some reason. She was just another toy for me to enjoy, but I suddenly felt attracted to her. Maybe I was falling in love with her.

After another hour, Angela finished the operation. As she was cleaning up, I walked back inside and looked at Hanabi's condition. I may not knew anything of medical stuff, but she looked fine and her breathing seem stable. But just to be safe I asked, "How is her condition, Vespid?"

She looked at her monitor and reported, "She heart rate looks alright and her pulse looks stable, she is fine, she will wake up and few hours or so".

"How long does she have to stay here?".

"I'll ask Grock to carry her back to her room".

"No need, I will carry her back to her room myself".

"Alright captain, just becarful with her lower back, it will make her scar even worse".

I just nodded as I carefully carried Hanabi to her room. I gently laid her down on her bed and pull the covers over her body. I took a chair and sat next to the bed. She looked really peaceful when she was asleep and looked really cute.

I was about to touch her hair, when Angela came in with bag of watery medicine thing.

"Hello captain, since she will be out for a week; she will need some food so I have to out her on an IV drip with full carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and everything," she told me.

I just nodded at her as she injected the needle for the drip thing. After that, she walked out to cook the annoying little magician some breakfast. I sighed as I had to wait an entire week for her to wake up. I think I was gonna miss teasing her for the week. Heh, I am in love with her. Looks like Lesley is out of the picture now.

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