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Hanabi's POV

I was walking in the park with Harith and Nana, since I promised Fanny to babysit Harith and Nana for the day. I sweetly smiled at the two young Leonin elves, they are just so cute together. I looked over my shoulder, to see Harley almost like glaring at Harith as he was holding Nana's hand. Looks like the mischievous magician is jealous, how adorable. 

"Mind we have some of those ice cream, big sis Hana?" asked Harith.

"Sure, but just a little," I said as I gave them a smile. 

"Aww, but I want a lot," Nana pouted. 

"Let's just say it's and early dessert," I told her. I saw her tail wiggle happiness, as she and Harith walked ahead of me to get the ice cream. I smiled at them as they reminded me of Mike when he was little. 

"Don't I get some?" a familiar voice whispered in my ear. "You can, but you're paying for it," I replied as I followed behind the two Leonis. I can't believed that Fanny also asked him to babysit with me. 


I was combing my hair when there was a knock at my door. I put the bush down and opened the door, I was not surprised that it was Gusion, but I was surprised that he would get up at this time. "What you want captain?" I said coldly. 

"Better hurry up," he said. 

I looked at his questionly as I was a it confused, did I agreed to do anything with him today? "I'm sorry what?" I asked.

He then explained to me that Fanny too asked him to babysit Nana and Harith. I'm guessing she was trying to get me to hook up with Gusion and I'm not talking about that type of 'hook up'. I groaned when I finally realized Fanny's real plan. 

"And Harley want to tag along," he added. I'm okay with Harley coming, but Gusion, I'm not happy at all. 

After I styled my hair into a neat bun with my hairpin in it, the three of us meet with Fanny, Tigreal and Alucard at my old apartment. After Fanny hugged me, I gave her a sharp glare. "Oh come on Hanabi, you will thank me later," she said as she winked at me. I now hate her so much. 

"Nice to see you again Tigreal," I greeted her brother. 

"Like wise Hanabi," he said as he shook my hand. 

"The last time I saw you, war during the war of the demons".

"Indeed, it was quite a hell for all of us during that time and you put up quite a fight".

"I'll take that as a compliment".

"You and Tigreal do make a strong combo, I still have the scar to prove it," Fanny piped in, "I find you and my brother quite cute together".

Literally as she said that, I saw Gusion's fist clenched real tight. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at the female assassin. "Enough already Fanny".

"Good to see you again big sis Hana," greeted a familiar male Leonis.

"Great to see you too lil guy," I said with a smile on face and ruffled his hair. He chuckled as he loves me ruffling his hair. 

I looked beside him and saw Nana standing there shyly. I sweetly smiled at her and gave a caramel apple, that I made at the base. I saw stars in her eyes and happy eat the candied apple. "Don't I get one too," Harith pouted. 

I gave him an apple and I was happy to see both kids enjoying their desert. I looked at Harley and I can see he was jealous. That is adorable. "I got one extra," I said as I showed it to him. I saw his eyes soring like saucers, I knew he loves my desserts. He swiped the dessert from my hands and ate it like there was no tomorrow. I love it when he acted childish. 

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