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3rd person POV

The next night, Hanabi decided to wear something a bit fancy, just to tease the white-haired assassin. She wore a loose sleeve tight black cocktail dress, black high heel shoes and a gold bracelet. She braided her hair and let down on her left shoulder and wore some light makeup. And of course she had her jade hairpin. 

Gusion told her to meet at the park, 7 p.m. sharp. She walked up at the park, the sun just set under the horizon and the once colored sky turned dark; and the moon shone brightly in the dark sky with the accompany of hundreds of twinkling stars. As she walked deeper into the dark park, only illuminated by the tall lamps. She then eventually walked on the grass and kept walking forward. 

Then she noticed a silhouette under the tree and she thought it was Gusion and walked towards it. "You can't hide forever, you know that," she said towards it as she still thought it was Gusion. Oh boy, was she wrong. The silhouette just stood there silently making the female marksman felt uncomfortable. 

"Gusion?" she asked, hoping it said yes, but it never answered a yes.

It chuckled and said in a familiar deep, dark  and raspy voice it said, "Do not tell me that you don't remember me Hanabi. I can still remember the scent of your sweet blood".

"Hanzo," she murmured, making sure it was really him. 

He walked into the light, reveling the ninja who made her and her brother to flee the sector and to the city, the ninja who wanted her dead and alive, the ninja that had fallen for the sweet scent of her blood; the Insidious Tutor, Hanzo. She had to admit the traitorous ninja did looked dangerously handsome in that outfit. 

She backed away from him as she was traumatized by the accident that happen back then. She remembered the time he threaten that he would come for brother if she did not  surrender. For that reason, she and her brother had to flee their home to the city. "Why are you here?" she asked him as she kept her guard up, just incase he would attack her. 

"So I could finish where we started Hanabi," he maniacally laughed as he summoned his demon sword. 

With every step he took, she took a step back; she was afraid and traumatized, she wanted nothing more than to get away from the psycho demon. She wanted so bad to summon her weapon, but her fear took over her mind and controlling her body movement and her thoughts, she was defenseless. Just then a familiar green blade was throw in between them and in between was none other, than Gusion himself. 

"Sorry teach, but this marksman belongs to me," he said as he played with one of his blades.

Even in the dark, she could see what her leader was wearing. A charcoal tuxedo and his hair was nearly combed back. She was impressed that he looked a mature gentlemen, a dangerous mature gentlemen. 

The dark ninja just chuckled at him and said, "This wouldn't be the last time you would see me Emperor Scorpion," he disappeared into the night. 

The white-haired assassin then turned his attention towards her. She then saw something  in his eyes, something she never thought he would show in his eyes, fear. "You okay?" he asked her as his voice lingers of worriedness. 

"I'm fine nothing serious," she reassured him.

"Did he touch you?" his voice was much more serious then before, signaling that he dead worry.

"No, Gusion. Sure he was going to do something, but I'm fine".

He let out a sigh of relief. She looked at him as she was confused at his actions. 'Was he really worried of me?' she thought. He took a good look at her, "Wow, you dress fancy today honey," he said as he kissed the back of her hand and winked at her. 

She let took a deep breath as she tried so much, not to blush and replied, "Well not the best show up as I expected, but it was quite romantic".

"How so my spider?" he asked as he pinned her up against a tree, with that sly smirked plastered on his face.

"Well you did save me from a guy, who wants me to surrender myself to him and dressed like a mafia boss. I have to admit, I am suddenly attracted to those type of men," she teased him. 

"Then I definitely fit the part then," he leaned in to kiss her, but she pushed him away.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Gusion," she got out of his grasps.

'The more she resist, the more I want her to be mine,' he thought.

"So, what we're doing tonight?" she asked as she was almost excited of his plans for tonight. Keyword, almost.

"Heard there's a band playing tonight at the middle of the park. Thought you might like it".

"Not bad Paxley".

"Then shall I escort you to your destination, m'lady," he playfully acted like a steward. 

She chuckled at his playfulness and acted along with him, "Thank you kind sir".

They walked to the supposed place of the concert. They arrived on time as the bad was about to play and they got front row. And they saw some familiar faces playing in the new band. The Best DJ, Bruno on the turntables; Deathrock, Martis on the guitar; Golden Bullet, Claude on the drums and of course on the base, the Insidious Tutor, Hanzo.

"Are you kidding me?" Hanabi and Gusion said in unison. 

"Hey there, people of Zlatan," Martis began. 

"Lovely night to have a date, but I don't think some of those couples are made for each other," Hanzo cut in.

"How ironic," again they said in unison.

"Let's start this some Bad Romance," Martis said as he signaled Bruno to start the music. 

As the music had started, both the spider and scorpion were surprised, at how good they were. Almost to the chorus, Hanabi was suddenly pulled onto the stage, by the hand; none other by the dark ninja himself. Martis passed her the microphone, a sign for her to sing with them. She looked at Gusion and he just gestured for her to go along with it.

As her captain ordered, she sang along to the music. The crowd went wild when she started singing. Just when the music started to end, Hanzo was closed to her as he pulled her close by the waist and their faces were too close. 'Oh no,' she thought as she knew Gusion will snapped at this. 

And she was right, he was about to snapped when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He turned around to see Miya, the Suzuhime. "I got this Gusion," she said as she climbed on stage and took the microphone from Martis and said, "Hey there everyone, having a good time?"

On que, the crowd went berserk with cheers. Then Fanny as the Punk Princess, separated Hanabi from Hanzo and said, "Well, they are so last year news, how about something new".

Then Selena the Virus appeared on stage with her demon companion.  She walked to Hanabi and whispered, "Just go with the flow". Hanabi nodded as Selana's companion then possessed Bruno's turntable and recoded the entire system. 

(Hanabi is Akali, Selena is Evelyn, Miya is Ahri, Fanny is Kai'sa and Eudora the Countess Scarlet as Seraphine. I know you guys would prefer some other heroes, but this is my opinion. So hope you guys enjoy)

Gusion was godsmacked, he didn't know that Hanabi could rap and dance like that. 'She always managed to impress me again and again. I hope she will love my surprise,' he thought as he looked at her hugging Fanny and Miya. He was glad she was having fun. 

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