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Hanabi's POV

After Angela gave me a quick check up, she told me that I was miraculously fine. My injuries was supposed to be healed in weeks or months, but I was magically healed. As Angela was about to do the last of my check up, Gusion came into the room and asked, "How is she Angela?"

"Everything seems fine captain," she replied, "I was just about to do the last of her check up and she is free to go".

He sighed in relief as I was fine. Then something got my attention. In the corner of my eye, I saw him holding my hairpin. "What are you doing with my hairpin?" I asked as I got up, but my legs felt like jelly and I collapsed onto the ground; but Gusion quickly caught me before I fell. "I'm just holding it for you Nephila," he replied as he put the hairpin in my hair and laid me back on the bed. I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up.

Angela did the last of my check up as Gusion watched her do it. "Alright Hanabi, you're good to go and I advise you to not move too much for the next two days," she advised me.

Not moving for two days? That made my blood boil. I slammed my fist onto the bed and roughly grabbed her color. "Just use your magic on me Vespid," I demanded. She shook her head and her eyes were focused behind me. "Nephila you're hurting me," she whimpered in fear. I looked into her robotic eyes and saw fear in her eyes.

She knew I had a soft heart for kids and she was like a kid. I slowly let go of her and just walked out of the room. But Gusion grabbed my hand, stopping me from leaving. "Hanabi, what's wrong?" he asked in concerned.

"I need time for myself captain," I harshly said as I got out of his grasps and walked straight to my room; as I bumped into Harly and Grock.

I slammed the door shut and then sat on my bed. I felt so helpless and so weak. I felt like I was weak to face the world and weak to stand on my own two feet. I hated this feeling and mostly I hated myself for having these kind of feelings. I wanted to punch and kick something, just to get these feelings off my chest. I should go to the training room before I have to replace some furniture. My hand reached for the doorknob, but I stopped midway. I suddenly thought of what happened back in the infirmary and knowing my annoying, yet perverted captain well, he wouldn't allow me to go since I was just healed.

I looked around the room and saw an airvent. This might be my ticket to getting to the training room quietly without anyone knowing. I tried to pull the metal door out of the wall, but it was sealed shut by some screws. I remembered that I borrowed a screwdriver from Harley a few days ago. I took the screwdriver that I kept in my bedside drawer and unscrewed the metal door. From what I can see, that the vent might be large enough for me to fit through. Good thing I have a small figure and can slipped through. I quietly tried to crawl through the vent so no one could know that I was heading towards the training room.

After a while, I think I finally reached the training room. I kicked hard on the metal door until it came off. Good thing I designed my shoes to be much stronger than any shoes. I got out of the vents and stretched my legs a bit. Man, being crampt in that vent really made my legs and arms weak.

"I'm surprised that body of yours manage to fit that vent," a voice said.

I turned around and saw Gusion, leaning on the wall in his V.E.N.O.M. uniform, with that stupid smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes at him, as I just took a few steps when he roughly grabbed my arm. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"It's none of your business captain," I replied to him. I managed to get my arm free from his grip, but a apair of strong hands grabbed my shoulder and my back was against the wall. The culprit, the only person in the room with me. I watched him tower over me and his strong arms, trapping me in between him and the wall.

"You are apart of this squad and I'm your captain; it is my business Nephila".

I rolled my eyes at him again. Of course that excuse was so cliche, even if he was my captain, he had no right to know my personal reasons. I glared at him in eyes, there is no hell way I was going to show weakness towards him. He was not even glaring back at me, yet his violet eyes looked through my soul. A moment later, he chuckled a bit at me.

"You're adorable Hanabi. I'm jealous that vile shinobi got to know you better than I do," he said.

"You, jealous?" I scoffed at him, "who are you and what you done to the real Gusion Paxley?"

I knew I should not had said that, because that really pissed him off. "I was going easy on you, because you just recovered, but it looks like you're completely healed," he said as he grabbed my neck and slightly sqeezed it, choking me in the process.

I grabbed his hand and tried my best to push his hand away, but his grip was too strong for me. He let go of me and then bite my neck. What the hell was he doing? Unexpetedly, his bite was painful yet pleasurable. He bite my neck and then started to kiss and suck on it. I could not help myself to let out a moan. His lips left my neck and moved towards my ear, as he whispered, "You're enjoying this, right Hana?". I didn't had to look, I knew he was smirking, naughtily. I could not deny it, I really enjoyed his touch.

"You know, a scorpion's favourite snack is a spider and you taste good," he continued as his lips continued to get closer to mine, but I blocked the kiss using my hand.

"Captain, this is inappropriate. Please, restrain yourself," I said as I pushed him away and walked towards one of the punching bags.

I wanted him to continue, but he had a girlfriend and I'm just his toy. I will not let myself be involved in another false relationship.

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