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Gusion's POV

It was the next day, after my heart-broken experience last night. I tried my best to avoid Hanabi today so, I could delayed her resignation. I don't want her to leave the squad. I had breakfast late so I wouldn't meet her today. I planned to just stayed in the training room for the entire day, but Vespid reminded me that today is spring cleaning day and everyone have to clean the entire lab. The lab was gigantic, but not all the rooms were used and we would be cleaning some of the rooms.

We started at the living room and how we divided the task by just drawing straws, literally. We all hated dusting and Grock got the dusting part. Angela and I will be doing the sweeping and Harley and Hanabi will be mopping. I was disappointed, I wanted to it with her, but my goal today was just to avoid her. After Grock dusted the room, me and Angela started to sweep the floor.

Hanabi and Harley just came out of the supply closet with a bucket full of soapy water and two mops. Then I heard Harley groaned in annoyance, "I hate doing the chores".

Hanabi just shooked her head at him and just though of something. She walked back into the supply closet and came out with four brushes and some rope. "What are you going to do with those?" he asked, "It will take hours for us to clean with those".

"Trust me Harley, this will be fun," she replied with a smile.

She gestured for him to sit on the sofa. Harley hesitantly sat at the sofa and watched her kneeled down in front of him and tied the ropes with a brush on each foot. "I'm still not getting of what your thinking Nephila".

She just chuckled at him as she gently poked his forehead. "Lesley really spoiled you too much Harley; I hope those shoes won't get soggy," she said as she sat beside him and tied the other two brushes to her feet. "Me and my cousins always do this when we were bored with chores," she continued. Angela and I just finished sweeping every inch of the room and we moved to next room.

As me and Angela reached the next room, we heard Harley screaming, but it almost sounds like he was having fun; with some of Hanabi's cute giggles. "They seem to have a lot of fun," Angela said with a sweet smile. I just nodded and started to wonder what they were doing. I shrugged it off and just continued to my part of the chores until the last room on the list.

After we were done, I saw Harley holding Hanabi's hand and were my eyes playing tricks on me or was Harley happily skipping? They looked like a picture-perfect pair of siblings. Hanabi had that cute smile on her face. She stopped in front of her and asked me, "Captain, is it okay that I could talk to you later?" I stupidly nodded.

She just smiled at me and walked into the room with a happy Harley with her. They tied the brushes back to their feet and then dipped both of them into the soapy bucket. Angela suggested that I should rest after hours of working, but I wanted to see what they were doing, that made Harley; who is always grumpy and tried to act like an adult, acting like a little kid.

I watched Hanabi turned on some music using the MP3 player we had in the room and she gently glided forwards, almost like she was skating on ice. She glided or skated passed him as he took her hand and skated with her. I never knew she could move so elegantly. And from the looks of it, both of them were enjoying themselves. She spun in a circle with Harley holding her hand and gently catapult him across the room. So that's how that managed to finished those rooms so quickly.

I just smiled that they were enjoying themselves and I was a bit jealous of Harley since he was having fun with her. I then had a playful idea. I walked to the supply closet and tied the same brushes to my feet. I looked at Hanabi and she looked like she was too deep into the mood of skating. Harley saw me wearing the brushes and had a naughty smile on his face. I think he might know what I'm thinking. He just quietly glided to me and swapped places with me.

Her eyes was closed shut, good I could surprised her. I signaled both Harley and Angela to leave. Both of them immediately left, they do not dared to disobey my orders. When she grabbed my hand, I pulled her closer to me and grabbed her waist from behind. With that she immediately shot her eyes opened. "Gusion-" she mumbled my name, making sure it was really me.

I moved my lips closer to her ear and whispered, "Who else darling," as I gently blew at her ear and it made her shiver. I watched her cheeks turning a hint of pink and she tried to get out of my grips, but I tighten my grip. "Relax and enjoy darling," I said as I turned her around so she was facing me as I put her other hand on my left shoulder. She was looking down as she was embarrassed to look at me in the eye. I let go of her small waist and lifted her chin so she could looked at me directly in the eye. I am being honest, I never notice, that her scarlet eyes are quite reflective, like glass.

"Don't be embarrass Nephila, your cute with that face and just so you know," I whispered again in her ear, "I rather want you as my girlfriend," I skated with her. Most of the times, she was losing her balance, but I managed to catch her before she fell. I then lifted her off the ground and just continued to skate across the room. I looked at her face and it was priceless, I loved watching her expression. I gently put her back down and skated continue to skate with her until the music stopped.

She took a minute to get to her sences and the looked at the room and said, "Umm, the room is already clean".

"Yeah, minutes ago," I said with a mischievous smile on my face and it made her eyes widen.

I untied the brushes off of her feet and while she was still processing everything in her head, I guided her out of the room and put away the brushes and buckets. "So you said you want to talk to me?" I asked. That made snapped out and said, "Umm, never mind, it wasn't important anyway".

I then smiled and walked with her to the kitchen. There I saw Angela, Harley and Grock baking. Am I really seeing this right? Harley was baking. I mean I could imagined, Angela and Grock baking, but for Harley, I really can't see it.

"Hanabi, captain, come help us bake," Angela said with a cute smile on her face and in a sweet voice. I was good at baking at all. I was about to turned down her offer, but I saw Hanabi putting on a cute blue apron around her waist and helped Harley with kneading the dough.

I don't like baking, but I do enjoying watching my female marksman bake, so I just agreed to help. Angela taught me and easier was to shape the cookie dough with Grock. I looked over my shoulder and watched Hanabi and Harley making more cookie dough. And Harley being his mischievous self, threw flour at Hanabi's face.

"Oh it's on lil man," she said as she too tossed flour back at him. After just a few throws of flour at each other, it eventually escalated to a food war in the kitchen between, me with Hanabi and Harley with Angela and Grock. And I had to admit it was quite fun, it almost felt like we were having some group bonding time and was truly a moment that I won't forget; cause it was the moment that Hanabi really had a great time with me.

We managed to put the cookies in the oven, in 5 hours. We then later ate the cookies after another hour. We all just at the table and ate our late night snack. Vespid then gave each of us a cup of tea. "Since cookies have sugar, I know everyone will be up all night," she stated.

"Can't agree more," said Nephila as she drank her tea.

"I made chamomile tea, which can soothes the mind and make everyone sleepy".

"Thank Angela," I thanked her, "we need it for tomorrow and I think Nephila will enjoy what's gonna happen".

"Oh I'm already intrigue," she said as she took her cup and walked back to her room. Meow! She is hot as hell!

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