Scarlet Flower

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Hanabi's POV

As the first star began to appear in the dark sky, illuminating the night sky with millions of sparkles, I began to remember my memory as a child; how I was unsecured of myself and how afraid I was to disappoint my elders and my district. My memories filled with hatred, filled with fear, filled with insecurities and filled with grudges. My hate towards S.A.B.E.R, my fear of losing my honor, my insecurities of really avenging my brother's, Mike, death; and my grudge towards Hanzo, for making me run to this awful place called Zlatan. I was just fine back at my district.

After another failed attempt to kill the S.A.B.E.R squad, I laid down on top the building, that used to be my apartment for Mike and I; looking up at the sky and drowned myself in my own tears. As I laid quietly, I noticed from the start that a shadow was leaning afar.

"You know you can't beat S.A.B.E.R on your own," he said as he stepped out of the shadows. I sat up and got a looked at him. His silver hair was blown gently against the soft night breeze and I had to admit he is quite handsome with features and built body.

"You know my answer Emperor Scorpion," I said as I sat properly in front of him.

"I thought you might change your mind of my offer".

"My answer is no, Gusion," I continued, "I will not join your squad so, I could just be a pawn in your plans to steal that dump cube". I stood up tall in front of him as I looked into his violet eyes with my scarlet ones.

He stood silently for a moment until I saw a smug forming on his face and started chuckling at me. "You ninja are too honorable to admit defeat, aren't you?" he asked with that stupid smuggled face.

I balled my hands into fists as I was frustrated towards the assassin, mocking me of my stubbornness to admit defeat. I hated this man, there was no way that I will join his squad, just to steal that stupid cube. I cared less of that cube and the future of this modern city, all I cared was to get my vengeance for Mike's death.

"Unlike you, I don't give up so easily," I pouted as I turned away from him.

I heard him scoffed at me as he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face him again. "Well little flower," he continued as he stared into my eyes, "I didn't stop looking for you, didn't I?"

I felt my cheeks heating up as his face was so close to mine, he then chuckled and pulled his face away from mine. "Now I know why they call you the Scarlet Flower".

I felt so embarrassed, that my cheeks were turning red and I hated it. "Get lost you harem king," I yelled at him as I walked away from him.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard him chuckled again as he spoke, "Harem king, is that what you think of me, Hanabi?".

"Well you have been dating Guinevere and Lesley at the same time," I said as I smirked at him.

"Guin is not my type and Lesley," he trailed off for a moment he mentioned her name.

"Whatever, later Emperor Scorpion," I jumped off the roof and went off into the night.

"Damn, that guy is just joke," I mumbled to myself, "there's a lot of marksmen that would love to join that squad".

I landed on a roof near the place where Mike was taken away from me. I fought back the tears from rolling down my cheeks. Even though we were not related by blood, but I took him in as my brother, he was the only family I had left in this world.

I would not give up; as long as I still stood tall, S.A.B.E.R will sure perish by me and I will show the whole Land of Dawn, that I am the best marksman, who ever lived.

I felt a drop of salty water, rolling down my cheeks as I let out a giggle, I guessed emotions were powerful then the mind. How weird can emotions be?

I looked the time and it was half after 11, I guessed it was time for me to hit the hay. I need the strength to think of another plan. As I was about to jumped off the roof, I heard a weird buzzing sound from above me. I looked up to see a weird silhouette, it looked human, it had a butt of a bee. Then from it fell right in front of my face was a cute little puppet. Wait, a puppet?

As I was about to walked away from the bizarre sight, a tremendous pain I felt on my back as I felt my body going numbed as I after that was pure darkness; but before I lost consciousness, I heard a familiar, manly voice. Where have I heard that before? I did not get a second to think as my eyes felt really heavy.

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