Extra: The Golden Gala

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3rd's person POV

On a cold morning in October, Hanabi and Gusion were just walking on the streets hand in hand, as they were walking to Zlatan's park. "Captain, do you really have to hold my hand to walk here?" Hanabi whinned as she was getting shy, "it's just a stake-out on the S.A.B.E.R. squad".

"Yeah, about that," he started, "I lied," a sly smirk appeared on his lips.

"Clever Paxley, very clever," she said as she shook her head the her surpirior.

He then stopped walking as he hooked an arm around her waist, pulled her closer to him and grabbed her chin, making her look at him in the eye. "When did my flower start to compliment this dangerous scorpion? I'm honored," he teased her.

Hanabi just rolled her eyes at him as she chuckled. She just brushed off his teases, as he constantly teased her after they oficially become a couple. "After you proposed to go out on a stake-out with me captain," she replied as grabbed his wool scarf that he was wearing and continued walking. He just smiled at his comrade as he catched up with her and put the scarf around her neck.

"My, my, when did my captain become a gentlement?" she teased.

He just shook her head as he began to regret to constantly teased her; looks like she began to pick up his teasing habbits. He wrapped and around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Hanabi blushed as he was acting sweeter than usual. "Gusion is this a date?" she asked as her cheeks were getting more pink.

With a playful smirk on his face he pinned the marksman to a tree as he towered over her and said, "My dear flower, do you want it to be a date?" as he kissed the ends of her raven hair.

She turned her head away as she didn't want him to see her pink cheeks. He smiled at her cuteness. Then he heard something in a distance. He then grabbed the back of neck and pulled her into a kiss. She was surprised and was about to pull away, when she looked into his eyes and they were constantly moving to his left. She looked to her left and saw Rafaela and Layla, about to walk past them. She understood and played along with him. As Gusion's figure was taller, they didn't see their faces.

"I can't wait to go to the Golden Gala with Clint," Layla said with excitement.

"Me too, I was planning to go with Kaja," Rafaela said.

"This will the first time the abyssal demons, will behave for the night".

"As Saber said, even they agreed to behave, we still have to keep out guard up.Who knows what those things planned to do at the gala," Rafaela reminded as they walked passed Gusion and Hanabi.

After Gusion made sure the S.A.B.E.R. members were out of sight, he pulled away, breathless. Hanabi was panting as that was the longest kiss she had gone through. "T-the g-golden gala?" she asked between her pants.

"I heard of it before when I was still a Paxley," he replied, "it used to be an event, where elites and richest, came to party the night away. I always hated it because my family, just bring me there to find a wife" his tone was bitter as the thought of forcing him into marriage disgusted him.

"So, that's were you meet Guinevere?"

"Yes, but I don't love her, and I had an affair with Lesley". He looked at her expression and it was quite dissapointing. She avoided looking into his eyes and kept looking to her left.

'I guess she is jealous of them,' he thought as he cupped her cheek and smashed his lips agaisnt hers. Her eyes widen at his sudden action and kissed him back.

He gently pulled away as he whispered in her ear, "But I only hve time for only one needy marksman in my life".

She began to blush as she grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away, "Who is needy here Gusion?" she said as she walked from him with her face bright pink.

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