Chapter 8 You love me, so shut up

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Chapter 8- You love me, so shut up

Hi you lovely people! *waves from behind a chair*

Do not kill me, I can explain. I have exams going on. I have my English paper tomorrow, yet I'm updating plus I have my finals nearing, please bear with me, studies will always be my first priority. We wouldn't want me flunking, now, would we?

Anyway, the serious stuff aside, I am so excited for the next chapter! It's crazy, I have everything mapped in my head, hopefully, I'll get time to type it down..

Anyway, read ahead!



"I don't get men, I really don't." Trish complained, barging into my house with Tango racing towards her, yapping excitedly.

"Jeez." I jumped, momentarily dropping my pen, taken by surprise at Trish's sudden entrance.

Aerin raised her eyebrow surprised, but shifted the manuscript papers off the couch to allow Trish to sit.

"You know, I don't think I gave you my spare key to barge in like this. What happened to manners, Trish?"

Trish rolled her eyes as she plopped down next to us.

"You love me, so shut up."

 Aerin laughed at my bewildered expression.

"Well as much as I appreciate this unexpected visit when I was trying to work on a manuscript, can you kindly explain why my best friend graced me with her presence when she should be sucking her husband's face off, because the last time I checked I think it was their wedding anniversary."

"Bup, bup, bup... calm your ovaries. Let me take a breather....Hi there, Aerin."

I raised my eyebrow at her. Trish never acted like this.

"Are you drunk?"

Trish rolled her eye shadow dusted eyes at me.

"I had one glass of wine, but I'm sober."

Oh god.

"What happened?" Aerin, the calm, sensible one asked.

Trish sighed, her face dropping.

"Dave got called to Milan, last minute. On our anniversary. Hell, I was waiting for him at Le' Bistro when I get a message that Dave is currently on flight to Milan and when I question him, he's like I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. Ugh." Trish complained, throwing her velvet red pumps aside.

" poor thing, come here." I consoled, hugging her.

"What about Marvin?" Aerin asked.

"He's at his friend's house. Sleepover."

I bit my lip. "Crash with me. Aerin, what about you? Fancy a girls night in?"

Aerin grinned after pondering over the thought for a minute.

"Why not? I bet Jace wouldn't mind a guy's night with his best friend, football and pizza."

Aerin got up to make her call.

I looked at Trish who was still wearing her fancy dress, looking sullen.

Poor thing.

"Hey, turn that frown upside down. Why don't you go and take a nice shower? I'll lend both of you a change of clothes. Come on." I encouraged, smiling at her.

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