Chapter 30- I'll love you forever Wrong Number

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Chapter 30- I'll love you forever Wrong Number

Good lord you guys, I swear to god I was bombarded with update messages. And a lot of you thought that my announcement was an update. XD #sorrynotsorry

I like being a little evil.

Besides it takes time to map the chapter, this is the second last chapter of this story after all and brace yourself people, you're in for a hell of a ride. This is going to be an intense chapter.

So without further ado let's get this started!





That was what Ryan looked to me as he paced around the room, he was gripping his hair and muttering to myself. His eyes were full of anguish and he looked like a tiny puppy who had strayed off his path.

It was painful to watch.

He gripped the wall and hit his head there lightly continuously murmuring something to himself, frantically.

It was breaking my heart to see him like this. This was not the Ryan I knew. The Ryan I knew was cheery, he laughed, he smiled, he was arrogant at times and he was quiet and liked to think about life. He had substance.

All I saw now in front of me now was just a hollow vessel filled to the brim with conflicting madness. He was fighting an internal battle and losing badly. Each day he woke up, more dead. Turning into a person, god knew, he wasn't. He was losing the last traces of his normal self.

He was dying.

I felt my throat close up with pity. I was supposed to hate him but I couldn't. Trish was right, I was incapable of hate. All I felt for him was pity.

After I called Austin he had been fine then just as night set in, he lost it.

I could've helped him get better, if he had not dragged me into this mess. If only he could see a little bit of clarity maybe then he could know he could be helped.

I got up from my seat on the couch, wincing as the place where he had stabbed me stretched, reminding me of his sins and shortcomings.

But I knew one thing, the person who had hurt me was not Ryan. He was sick to the core and it was his sickness that was making him do what he was doing.

I walked to him and gingerly gripped his on the shoulder.

"Ryan..stop banging your head..sit down." I told him sternly. And tried to turn him.

"NO! Don't touch me you whore! Don't tell me what to do!" He screamed at me as he turned, his eyes blazing.

I flinched back but kept a straight face.

"I said sit down Ryan. Sit." I demanded with a firm voice, showing him that his screaming and abuses didn't scare me anymore.

He turned to look at me his grey eyes as lost as they could be with so much pain in them it made my heart wrench.

To my utter surprise, Ryan crumpled down to the floor, sitting down, grabbing his hair and crying softly.

My mouth dropped open in shock. This was the first time I was seeing him so vulnerable, like he was made of glass and would break into pieces if I touched him.

My heart broke for the man in front of me. To what he had become. For what he could have been. For the innocent boy who lost his own innocence. For the grown man struggling to fight his demons.

Wrong Number #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now