Chapter 9- I seriously have water tanks for tear ducts

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Chapter 9- I seriously have water tanks for tear ducts

Hello all my lovelies!

*waves from behind a chair*

Sorry for the super, super late update but I had my finals and yey! I'm officially exam free, so you know what this means right? Regular updates! Does that make you want to kill me any less? No?


Forgive me. Please? I have chocolates, if that can pass as a bribe. :P * hands out chocolates*

So, now let's get to business, here's your new chapter! I  was on pins and needles just thinking about this chapter! The story begins now, people! Chapter dedicated to my Spongebob  @KushGaurav. This guy means the world to me. This one's for you amorcito.

Anyway, I'll get on with the update before you get to read my mushy rants. ~sigh~



"Okay, breathe in, breathe out." Trish instructed, like she was assisting a lady in labor.

"Okay." I nodded but half a second later panic kicked in again.

"Remind me again, what is breathing?"

Trish shook her head in exsparation.

"Get a grip Soph, everything is going to be perfect! Calm down."

"Right. Calm down, calm down. But there are like thousands of people out there and I swear I just saw Jennifer Lawrence or was it Jennifer Lopez? I also saw Brad friggin Pitt and what if something goes terribly wrong? This could become a major controversy! I can totally see it becoming the headlines in newspapers and news channels.. What if it's not perfect enough for Alex and Blake? Would they think I'm a complete twat? I mean you know how well stuff work with me. I don't want this to become a disaster because of me and-"

"Sophia Colleen Martell! You are ranting! Calm down." Trish shook my shoulders till I closed my mouth.

I let out a breath.

"Okay. I'm done freaking out."  

"Good. Now get out. I love you, you look gorgeous." She smacked my butt and kicked me out of the dressing room. I shook my head, smiling at her antics and caught a glimpse at my reflection in the hallway mirror. I was wearing a black pant and suit, sans shirt revealing a hint of cleavage, my hair was styled into soft waves and except flower brooches I was not wearing any accessory. My make- up was dewy with dramatic black divergent eyes and soft pink lips. I looked good, I guess.

 I made my way to Alex's room.

I knocked before I heard a 'Come in'.

I opened the door and saw Alex standing by the floor- length mirror adjusting his bow tie.

Boy, was he hot. Too bad he batted for the other team.

His blue eyes sparkled in happiness as he smiled at me.

"Alex! Oh my, you look dashing!" I gasped as I hugged him feeling tears prick at the back of my eyes. Trish and Alex were my everything. They had been with me through all my rock- hards. I was no- one without them and I was happy for my best friend.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't start crying now Soph, we wouldn't want your make up to get ruined, do we?"

I wiped my tears and blinked a few times. Why did I always start blubbering at happy times? I was such a mess.

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