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We're finally here! Wow. I made you guys wait enough for this so here you go! All your final questions will be answered and I will be posting the teaser for the sequel in the end!

Lots of exciting stuff in this! Comment away your hearts in this last installment people!




Six years later

I turned around in my bed and stretched my hand forward but it touched empty sheets.

What the hell?

I popped one eye open and saw an empty side of bed, where my husband supposedly should've been asleep.

I opened both my eyes and frowned. Where was he?

I rubbed my eyes and stretched and opened my mouth to call out Austin but before I could do that, the door burst open and my little family walked in singing "Happy Birthday" off-key.

I chuckled and sat up on the bed properly and looked at them feeling my heart fill with utter happiness and love. Austin made his way towards me with a huge tray in his hand, it had a cute little cupcake with a single candle burning and I could smell some delicious food along with it. Our three little kids trailed after him wearing spotted party hats, singing the song.

Austin kept the tray on my lap and gave me a gentle peck on the lips as he smiled down at me.

"Happy Birthday Mrs. Hamilton." He whispered softly in my neck making me shiver slightly as I looked at him and felt my heart skip a beat as I took in his crooked smile.

This man never failed to make me breathless, even after all these years.

My face was stretched in the biggest grin it could possibly hold as the three little ones jumped on the bed and hugged me.

"Happy birthday mommy!" The three of them chorused in unison.

I smiled at my beautiful children and reveled in the fact of how lucky I truly was.

"Thanks you my little chipmunks." I smiled as I kissed each one of them. Austin and I hadn't really planned on how many kids we wanted or when, we didn't want to rush it but after only a year of our marriage we found out I was expecting, it was sudden but we had decided to go for it with enthusiasm, the first scans had been inaccurate and in my pregnancy months, I had blown up like a balloon so alarmingly that everyone thought we were having twins but we were all taken aback when we realized later we were having triplets.

Talk about getting surprised.

They were fraternal triplets and the three of them didn't look alike completely and were unique in their own way. Addyson was the first one and she was their leader, she demanded attention and reveled in it and she had my grey green eyes and her father's features and had long raven locks till her waist, they were so beautiful, I never had the heart to cut them. Next came my sweet baby girl Adira, she seemed to be the one who all ways stuck out from the two with her inquisitive and calm disposition she had her father's chocolate eyes and my features, she had almost all my character traits and and then at last we had our little pocket rocket Adrian who was constantly up to some kind of mischief but he had the ability to melt your heart with just one look, he looked exactly like me with grey eyes and dark hair but had all the behavior characteristics of his father. He was a handful. But the three of them meant the world to me. And together the trio was quite the team.

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