Chapter 26-..And then everything came crashing down

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Chapter 26-...And then everything came crashing down

Hey guys, we did reach a 100 comments pretty soon so yey I decided to update, that and I was practically itching to update. :P Well majorly because of all the WICKED things I've planned for you.

Oh and you all might hate me by the end of the chapter but that's okay I won't be a fan of myself either.

Anyway enough spoilers enjoy!!



I was so insanely happy, I think it should be illegal to be this happy. I resembled a friggin doped up canary just about to burst out singing with all the pent up happiness. That stupidly goofed up grin seemed like a tattoo inked into my face but I just couldn't wipe it off. I was so completely happy.

He made me happy.

I turned around on my stool and saw Austin carrying Millie on his shoulders to the Ice cream stall. The rest of the kids were trailing behind him, seeing him like that made my stomach flutter as an image of our future together flashed in my mind. I fingered the precious ring around my neck as I wondered how our kids would be like. Grey eyed like me or brown eyed like him?

"Soph, are you high?" Trish's voice brought me out of my daydream like a bucket of ice cold water.

I turned to look at my best friend who was smirking at me amused.


She shook her head at me. "Judging by the dreamy hazy eyes and that ridiculously goofy grin you were giving to thin air, I assume you were thinking about Austin, that or you're high."

I blushed.

Trust her to blunt talk me out of my bubble.

I gave her a flat look.

She chuckled. "What? I am stating the truth. It's our last day in Miami and throughout the entire week you guys were trailing behind each other like lovesick puppies. It was adorably disgusting."

I rolled my eyes. "I appreciate your oxymoron's Trish."

She laughed sliding next to me on the counter as she ordered a drink for herself.

"It is the truth sweetheart. I swear, you both need to get married the minute we reach LA. I'll tell Alex to ready your dress, you have the damn ring what else are you waiting for? A mariachi band?"

I ran my finger around the rim of my glass, biting the inside of my cheek as I blushed.

"I'm not.. I just don't want to race so fast. It's just been eight months. Marriage is such a big deal you know and sometimes I just feel that maybe just maybe, I know it's silly but I could never be good enough for him. I mean, how could I? I have so many imperfections and Austin is such a beautiful person in and out..I just..."

"Don't want to end up like your parents, right?" Trish completed softly, holding my hand gently, completely understanding me.

I nodded, sadly. Don't get me wrong here, I loved Austin, with every fibre in my body. Hell I could sell my damn soul for him, if he asked, and deep down I knew my future was Austin but there was a dark part inside me that kept waving a flag telling me not to make emotional decisions because we all know I don't have a very clean history with love.

"But sweetie, Austin is different, deep down you know that too. You know he's not Ryan or all those assholes you dated in the past and also he is not your father and you are definitely not your mother. You are different Soph, you're unique, intelligent a bit naïve yet the strongest person I ever know. You never let anything bring you down. You cry for others and laugh with them and never give one thought to yourself. And you're purely incapable of hate. Ryan deserves all your hate and yet even after everything you think it might be your fault too, don't even deny it, I know you think that,"

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