Chapter 19- You mess with my ship? You die.

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Chapter 19- You mess with my ship? You die.

Heyy cupcakes! I'm updating early! REALLY early. I had free time in my hands so I decided why not? Actually no I have assignments and homework but meh I'm so not in the mood. Besides I'm trying to manage as many updates I can before Christmas kicks in because then I will totally be all over the place like a headless chicken.

Anyway I won't bore you anymore, here's the newest update!




"You did what?"

I gulped taking in my best friend positively murderous face.

"Um. Trish.."

"Nuh-uh, don't you "Trish" me, okay? You dumb excuse of a human."


"I cannot believe you did it. Sophia Coleen Martell, you deserved to be smacked in the head with a frikkin lamp, in sincere hope that some of your dormant braincells wake up."

"Trish,seriously calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down? You expect me to calm down after my moron of a best friend stuffs up her date with the hottest billionare in the state after they kissed by telling him to "Forget about everything because it was just a one time thing for just a damn night?" How deranged are you?" She screeched and I winced, knowing that she was probably ready to strangle me with her bare hands.

"Come on, A) It was not a date B)The hottest billionare has a fiancé and C) It was the most rational thing to do."

Trish snorted, clearly not pleased with me. "Save that bullshit for someone who'd believe your "rational" sob story. If you love that chap, fight for him instead going all New Moon Bella Swan on me."

"It's not that easy Trish, you know it." I snapped feeling frustrated. It wasn't easy for me either but I couldn't just make out and skip away to sunset with him just because I could.

Trish sighed. "Don't make it more complicated than it has to be Soph, please."

I shut my eyes sinking against my couch feeling my eyes sting with tears.

"What am I going to do?" I whispered.

"Go after him, he deserves to know what you feel. You both deserve to be happy, you know?"

"But what about her? Esmeralda? You do realize their wedding is literally weeks away?"

"Will you please not be all Mother Teresa for a minute? I'm talking about you, I don't give a hoot about that pricey blonde. She became a member of my hit list the day she came to threaten you."

"I deserved it and since when do you have a hit list?"

Trish narrowed her grey eyes at me. "Don't change the topic."

I bit my lip, processing Trish's words.

"Okay.. so maybe he deserves an explanation..." I started.

Trish grinned like I just told her she won the lottery. "Atta girl, what do you say? We drop by to give him a surprise visit?"

"Are you sur-"

"Okay whatever no time for your overthinking. Get ready, chop chop. Time's a ticking." Trish gripped my shoulders and pushed me upstairs.

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