Chapter 18- I could totally put every Disney princess to shame

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Chapter 18- I could totally put every Disney princess to shame

Hola cupcakes! I'm updating as promised and I missed you guys so much and I am thrilled to be writing again! Yay!

Exams are over and even though my schedule is crazy, I will try to pull through updates, I promise.

Okay, so let's back to the update, I'm so excited for it, it's pure Auphia, a lot of you felt Auphia deprived so here's good news, THEY'RE BACK!




"You're seriously going to wear that?" Alex commented as he eyed my outfit with a disapproving eye.

"Yeah, why what's wrong?" I chewed my lower lip eyeing my full sleeved blue dress which had a conservative full neck collar which I had paired with a long trench coat, stockings and white kitten heels.

"No nothing's wrong with it unless you're planning to go a nunnery."

My mouth opened. "What? This dress is perfect, it's decent."

Alex rolled his eyes at me as he bit into his apple like I was a dodo.

"The dress is perfect for an abbess, not a twenty three year old woman who's going out to fancy restaurant to have dinner with the owner of the fancy restaurant who also happens to be Austin Hamilton."

My cheeks colored as I narrowed my eyes at Alex. "I don't want to give a wrong impression. It's not supposed to be a date, you know. Just a dinner, that's how I'm dressed."

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"You're arguing with a fashion designer about fashion."

"I'm arguing about morals with my thick skulled best friend."

"You're not wearing that."

"Yes, I am."

"People will think you escaped from a nun camp."

I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing called a nun camp and people will not think anything. Stop being so pushy."

"Stop being a prude."

"I'm not a prude."

"Says the woman in the nun-dress."

"It's not-" I stopped as the click- click of Trish's heels came towards my room. We both turned our heads as Trish entered my bedroom.

"Soph, why are you dressed like a nun?" Trish commented, confused as she eyed me up and down, a puzzled expression decorating her features as she stood in my doorway.

Alex started chuckling as my face grew red.

Oblivious Traitor.

I turned on my heels and grabbed the sophisticated yet flirty lacy dark red dress Alex had laid out for me as I headed back to the bathroom, fuming.

I flashed the stink eye to Alex who was smirking at me clearly triumphant.

"You don't have to be so smug about it."

"Oh but I want to." He started laughing at my scowl.

I glared at him and shut the bathroom door on his face.

Smug bastard.

"You're a sore loser Soph."

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