Chapter 31- Why don't you meet your girl now?

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Chapter 30- Why don't you meet your girl now?

Heyloh cupcakes! Here we are in the final chapter.. It's been such a beautiful journey but worry not we are not going to be saying goodbye yet, there is an epilogue left.

And those of you who have your knives out to slaughter me after that last chapter, put it down now, you'll see why later.

Chapter dedicated to @MidnightStar67, happy birthday love! Hope you're having/had a great b'day! I'm not sure which since it's nighttime here in India..

Anyway without further ado, let's get on with the final chapter of WN!




Austin's POV

Blurred faces, flashing lights, frantic voices.

I could see and hear a million things at once but could not focus on any one of them.

My attention was on her.


I looked down at her pale face, the oxygen mask around her mouth also they had inserted an endotracheal tube to her lungs to help her breathing as the doctor feared that she was bleeding internally as the bullet had penetrated her flesh, ricocheted around her ribs like a pinball fracturing it and then curving around the heart and finally hitting her lung. An IV was inserted inside her vein, a tube connected to it with her blood flowing inside it. The paramedics were puttering over her on the moving van and I felt as if my entire world was falling apart piece by piece. Every passing moment was carrying her last breaths, every second counted.

She literally took a bullet for me.

I felt my eyes cloud up with tears. What was the old saying? The Knight in shining armor saves the damsel in distress. But it seemed as if the entire thing was turned around for us, the damsel in distress saved the supposed knight.

I enclosed my hand around her cold one and gripped it.

Please cupcake, don't die on me. Please. I love you.

The ring around her neck glinted in the dull lighting of the van and made my chest constrict.

I looked away as they cut open her top clothes and tried to stop the bleeding.

The blood was pouring out of the wound and I felt tears spill form my eyes as I gritted my teeth. No one deserved to see the love of their life bleed out her life.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, we reached the hospital. Everything was a blur, the medics were wheeling her inside for surgery. The fluorescent lights, the green scrubs, the red blood spilling on the sheets. The wheeled her inside the OR and I was left standing outside the door as they cut her open, not knowing what her fate was, neither mine.

I looked down at my hands and saw red, coated till my elbows. Her blood.

I crumpled to the floor looking at my hands and cried. A pair of arms went around me.

I looked up.


Mom wrapped her arms around me and I felt like the five year old kid I had once been, crying in her arms after scraping my knee in the playground.

I put my head on her shoulder and cried for all it was worth, not like the grown man that I was. I was not Austin Hamilton at this hour, I was just an ordinary guy who was on the edge of losing the love of his life. I was an ordinary guy who felt as if his world had crashed and burned in a split second, my riches, my money, my fame was just a tiny dot of nothingness in the background. It didn't matter one bit when compared to her.

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