Chapter 23- If looks could kill, there would be a murder here

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Chapter 23- If looks could kill, there would be murder here

Heyy guys! I know I promised to update yesterday but I'm sorry I had a horrible series of migraine which wasn't nice and on top of that I have my exams next month so I'm off to studying so I was busy, sowwy.

BUT better late than never, right?

Oh and FYI updates are going to be really unpredictable for now, I have my finals nearing so it really is crunch time for me, so please bear with me on this. Studies come first, right?

And I really want to thank you guys for all your sweet messages, meant a lot to me!

Chapter dedicated to @sophster4532. Happy belated birthday girl! I'm a day late, I'm so sorry!

Let's move on now,




"Enjoy your holiday, Soph." Our receptionist Liz, cheerily wished as I walked out of the office.

I smiled at the woman. "Thanks Liz, I sure will."

This was officially the beginning of my week off. We were leaving for our vacation to Miami tomorrow and I was psyched. Austin's father had booked tickets for a complete family vacation for all of us and he had been kind enough to invite my friends and their families too. Trish had agreed to join us but Alex had to back out as both he and Blake had work. But Stef and Jenny's families with Aerin and Jace were tagging along. The Hamilton's owned their own resort there which was founded by Austin's granddad and we were planning to stay there for the week. I couldn't wait to bask in the sun, it would be great to spend a little tropical time before we returned to our winter winds for Christmas.

The following week had been a crazy flurry of final paperworks, meetings, deadlines and what not. To top it off, I had to finish my packing which I hadn't really finished till now. Which was the precise reason why I had taken a half day to tackle all my work.

I reached home to be welcomed by Tango's excited barks. I gathered him into my arms and allowed him to lick my chin as he squirmed in my arms his otter like tail bumping against my belly.

"Hey there boy," I cooed to my adorable puppy, petting his soft head. "I sure am going to miss you in Miami but I'm confident Alex and Blake will take good care of you, wouldn't they?"

To this, Tango gave me another slobbery lick and I chuckled and put him down.

I watched him run around the room and smiled.

Just as I started to make my way into my room a pair of strong arms encircled my waist.


I screamed nearly jumping out of my skin as I slapped the person behind me on reflex, my heart pounding.

"Ouch cupcake, what was that for?"

What the actual mother trucking frick?

I turned to look at Austin and let out a relieved breath, my hand resting above my heart, trying to calm my pounding heartbeat.

"What the hell Austin?"

Austin pretended to look hurt as he rubbed his cheek.

"That hurt, you know?"

I snorted unattractively. "Serves you right for scaring the filling out of my donut."

He quirked an eyebrow at me before laughing. "The filling out of your..what?" He chuckled. "I swear you have the weirdest terms in your vocabulary."

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