Chapter 21- Now, that's an offer I cannot resist

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Chapter 21- Now, that's an offer I cannot resist

Hey there cupcakes! We're in 2016!

First of all, I was blown away with the response last chapter AND you guys requested a hell lot of scenes. 53 in total. I was like, "Ok, woah, that's a LOT." But here's good news peeps. I'mma gonna do it!. * cue cheering*

I've decided that I will do the scenes one by one by popular demand. The MOST requested scenes were A) This chapter – which involves Austin and Esmeralda's wedding. B) The time when Austin and Sophia met C) When Austin rescued Sophia. And there were other scenes that were individual requests and were very interesting and unique and I felt giving them a shot would be fun. A few of you requested smut, which I had refused to do in the beginning so sorry guys, but I am not going to write hanky panky for the simple reason that this book is PG-13.

And I would like to clear another misconception- This is not the end of the book. FAR from it, trust me. A lot of you, were like WHAT? The book ended? And my answer is,NO. The book is NOWHERE near the end. I have a lot of drama planned or you peeps, so don't you worry.

PS song for this chapter, Speak now- by Taylor Swift! DO LISTEN TO IT! IT FRIKKIN FITS! And yes, I'm a swiftie. *flips hair*


Lots of love,



"Faster, Hurry up." Aerin nagged as she stood by my doorway, tapping her high heeled foot impatiently.

"One second more." Trish mumbled as she added the final touches of lipstick on my lips.

Then she stepped back and smiled at me, admiring her handiwork.

"You look gorgeous, hon."

I smiled at her, despite the desperate pounding in my ears. Saying that I was nervous, was the biggest understatement of the century. I was just one second away from having a full blown panic attack. I was getting ready for my mission- Mission gate crash your love's wedding. This had to be by far the craziest thing I'd ever done next to sneaking mom's car back in high school to rescue drunk Trish. I was not the kind of girl who would rudely barge in on a white veil occasion. I was ordinary Sophia Martell.

Aerin grabbed my hand. "Hurry! You don't want to reach there after he gets married."

I hurried after her and tried to dial Austin's number but it went to voicemail, which was understandable since he was being shuttled everywhere but seriously? This just made matters worse.

Aerin and I hurried down into her car, Aerin was dressed in a gossamer gown and six inch heels and I was in a coral dress but I was donning sneakers, there was no way in hell I was running with heels, that was unless I wished for a broken back.

Aerin revved up the engine and we raced down the street and I felt as if we were making a fast and furious installment right there.

We reached St. George's chapel and we could see the people walking inside, all the VVIPS and big shots. I felt my stomach sink, this was going to be a disaster.

And it would be a bigger disaster if you allow him to get married! Move it!

Aerin stepped out of the car first and quickly ushered me out, she held my shoulders and looked at me square in the face.

"Listen woman, you're on a mission, you need to get your man, you cannot chicken out, understand?"

I nodded.

Wrong Number #Wattys2016जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें