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HEY GUYS! OK so I'm new to writing stories on Wattpad. I hope I can remember to upload every one or two weeks. This is my first love story so I hope you like it. Feedback'll be good xP. If you have any good book covers for me then please e-mail them to me at and have my user in it and the title of the story. Thanks! xx. ENJOY! =)



My name is Nicole Casiano. Like all of these stories, I’m the new girl at school. My mom had us move here (California) because she wanted a new scenery. Apparently Florida wasn’t working out for her. Seriously woman?! FLORIDA IS FRICKING BEAUTIFUL! Anyway, she found a new job as an admissions director at some college with some name and enrolled me into a new school, Westview High. It’s a public school and coming from a top-notch private school in Kissimmee, Florida, this was a downgrade. Don’t get me wrong, Los Angeles is beautiful, but it’s too different. I missed my friends from Beckers Academy. I had no enemies and everyone there was super friendly! I came here not knowing what to expect but jut hoped for the best. Hoping doesn’t really work out when you’re in high school, especially when your life is as complicated as mine. When there are not just two but three cute/hot guys but you don’t know which one to choose. Then you don’t act the same anymore. You get into doing things you never thought you would. When there is the b with an itch out to get you, but of course you have a best friend to help you which makes things a little better. But only a little, that other part just leaves me sick, sick of life, sick of everything, lovesick.

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