Chapter 6: My Hero

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Chapter 6

Tears were streaming down my face as he continued to attempt to take off my dress. Luckily it was so tight and I could barely put it on! I continuously screamed but the music was so loud it tuned me out but that didn’t stop me.

“Someone help please, please, please!” I was screaming to the top of my lungs now. The music stopped. I think someone heard. So I screamed again. “Someone please help me!”

I heard a few people saying, “Who was that?” “Where’s that coming from?”

“Sh*t!” James said putting back on his shirt. Someone came in the room, it was a male, my vision was blurry because of my tears so I couldn’t see whom. There was a lot of commotion going on in the room now, I saw two people fighting and I just couldn’t think straight, this situation can’t sink into my head. This was all my fault. Tyler told me not to come here and warned me this stuff can get out of hand, but I didn’t listen. I just dismissed it and went anyway. Now I’m stuck in this situation. I probably look so pathetic right now, curled up in a fetal position, crying my eyes out.

I felt two arms lift me up off of the couch/bed thingy. I hid my face in whoever’s chest when leaving the club and when we got out I looked up at who ‘my hero’ was and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was Haiden. The “bad boy.” The one who cares about no one but himself. He just beat the crap out of his friend, for me. To protect me. That’s right, I’m officially crazy.

I woke up in an unfamiliar setting. It appeared to be a boy’s room. A messy room with clothes everywhere and papers all over the desk. It had a few paintings on the walls. Of a lion, a highway, and other beautiful portraits. He had a gray and blue striped bedspread and pillows.

I sat up and took in my surroundings; I quickly realized it was Haiden’s room because of the white curtains that lead to the balcony.

“Finally, you’re up.” Haiden said, walking in the room.

“I have the meanest headache.” I rubbed my head.

“You look like sh*t.” I gave him a straight face, but he’s right, I probably do. “Take these.” He handed me Advil and a glass of water. I took them and laid down again recalling last night’s events.

“Are you okay?”

I hid my face in one of his pillows and started crying. “No. That was embarrassing. I’m so pathetic.”

“No your not, it could’ve happened to anyone. He’s just a d*ckhead.” He started rubbing my back.

“No. It was my entire fault. Tyler told me not to go because they could get out of hand but I didn’t listen. I just disregarded everything he said.” I sobbed some more.

“This is not your fault. Don’t think for one second that it is because it isn’t. Not at all.”

I could never think Haiden can be this nice. He protected me. He took me into his house so I’d have a place to stay tonight and not go home like that. This all had to be a dream. That’s it, I was just dreaming.

I sat up. “Haiden, thank you.”

“No problem.”

“I’m serious, thank you, for everything.”

“I’m serious too, it was no problem.”

“You didn’t have to-”

“Yes I did. You didn’t expect me not to do anything, right?”

“I don’t know. Just- thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me anymore, Nicole.”

“I’m starved.”

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