Chapter 16:The truth

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Tuesday.Y/N was sobbing in her room. She didn't go to school today. She told her parents to call her school homesick from their office since they had already left  for work.

She actually was sick. She had a mild fever. It would often occur to her when she was little. When she would get too upset or anxious about something her temperature would rise. The whole Kuroo x substitute teacher situation really did a number on her...


Incoming Call:Kia
Kia:Hey Y/N?
Y/N:Hey Kia.
Kia:I heard from a couple of your classmates  that you called homesick today. Are you alright?
Y/N:Yeah..just a little fever. It's nothing to worry about.
Kia:Oh no! Do you want me to come over? I can make delicious chicken soup.
Y/N:No you don't have to. I'm just gonna make some tea and chill in my bed. But thanks anyw-
Kia:Okay I'm coming. Stay in bed kay?

End of call.

*sigh*Y/N didn't even have the chance to deny again. But now she was coming anyway so it didn't matter.

After a couple of minutes the doorbell to Y/N's house rang. Y/N gathered all of the energy she had left and went downstairs to open up. While going down the stairs she could feel her face burning up and she felt a little dizzy too.

The doorbell rang once more."I'm comiing"she yelled as loud as she could. She finally reached the door.

She opened it.


That definitely wasn't Kia. Kuroo was standing there hanging onto some plastic bags with ingredients,for the chicken soup probably. But Y/N hadn't anytime to say anything. She immediately collapsed and thankfully Kuroo managed to put the bags down in time and catch her in his arms.

He carried her bridal style up her bedroom and put her gently on her bed. He put his hand on her forehead and he realized how much she was burning up. He noticed a small blue blanket on her desk chair and took it to cover her and keep her warm.

Kuroo headed to the bathroom to go wet a towel with warm water. After he was done he slowly entered the room again and approached her to put the towel on her forehead.

"Why-y di-id yo-ou do it-t?" Kuroo could hear her whispering in her sleep.
"I-i love you-u...don't...le-eave me" She continued.

Kuroo wanted to cry. He never cheated on her and he never would. But his secrecy and his stupidity made her think he did so. He wanted so much to tell her the truth. To be able to hug her again. Kiss her. Love her.


Y/N suddenly woke up. She felt the wet towel falling off her forehead.

'Maybe it was actually Kia and my imagination was just playing tricks on me'she thought thinking back to when she opened the door.

She decided to head downstairs to see if Kia was there. Noise from the kitchen could already be heard from the stairs.

She finally reached the living room open doorway only to look at the kitchen and see Kuroo there cooking. Kuroo hadn't noticed that Y/N was standing there until he turned around.

"Oh you're up"Kuroo said.

Y/N didn't say a word. She didn't even look at him. She didn't want to. Whenever she looked at him all kinds of horrible images with his teacher would come up.

"I made you some kitchen soup...I don't think that it will be as good as Kia's but...I think it's edible..."

Right Kia, Y/N thought. She was so angry at her at this point why would she send him at her place. After all she was the one that told her all about the affair. She didn't get it...

Y/N still hadn't said a word. Kuroo poured some soup on a bowl and placed it on the table with a spoon. He backed away from the table and just sat on a small chair near the kitchen window not facing Y/N. She eventually approached the table, sat and started eating the warm chicken soup.

She was taken aback by the amazing taste, but she didn't want to show it .Although Kuroo wan't facing her.

After some time Kuroo could tell that she finished eating since he heard the sound of the metallic spoon hitting the bowl. He turned around to see Y/N holding the bowl up looking down at the table. Kuroo just assumed that that meant she wanted some more.

He approached her took the bowl out of her hand and proceeded to pour some more soup. After he handed the bowl to her he turned around to sit on the chair again but he was stopped. Suddenly the silence was broken.


Kuroo turned to look at her surprised.

"Sit...with me"


Kuroo sat on the chair next to her. After the small break still silence.

Y/N finished the second bowl. She just pushed the empty ball in front of her meaning she didn't really want another. Her gaze was blank. Staring right into the table not lifting her head once. Kuroo was just looking at her.

"Why did you do it?" Y/N said silently, what she said barely audible.

"Wha-" Kuroo was cut off.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" Y/N lifted her head only for Kuroo to realize she was crying.

"I thought we were in love. I thought you said we could go at our own pace. I thought, I-I thought-"

Y/N was stopped by Kuroo, giving her a warm embrace. Her eyes widened, still teary.

"Why?...was I not good enough?" Y/N said silently, her crying face buried to Kuroo's shoulder.

Kuroo lightened his grip. He let go of their embrace and walked behind the wall of the living room doorway.Y/N was really confused as to what he was doing.

Kuroo came back holding onto a very big canvas. On it drawings of the pictures he and Y/N had taken over the course of their still fresh relationship. The drawings were really good. She didn't know Kuroo could draw.

"It's...not an affair..." Kuroo broke the silence.

"I wasn't planning to give it to you till later but...things got too complicated"

Y/N was really confused as to what was happening. She didn't understand. So she was still speechless.

"That substitute teacher...she is actually a substitute for art class...Kia didn't really mention it..."

A small pause.

"I asked for her help to a project...for my girlfriend...and she gladly accepted..."
"That's why all the chats at the hallways...and the drives..."
"We would arrange times and places to work on it...that's why..."

"I'm sorry I hu-"

Kuroo was cut off by Y/N's kiss. He kissed her back.

"You made me so worried" Y/N said crying, looking at him.
"You would ignore me for so long a-a-and then Kia told me a-and" Y/N was sobbing hard not being able to speak.

"I'm sorry I ignored you. I felt like if we talked I'd spill something out and ruin the surprise..."

"Why...did you make that?"

"Because I wanted to show you how much I love you.I wanted to show you how much our relationship means to me. How much you mean to me. I'm sorry I hurt you for no reason..."

"It's ok...just...don't do it again. Stupid bedhead..." Y/N smiled.

"I won't... I promise..."

Suddenly Y/N's fever was gone.

So were her tears and broken heart.

Author's note

This isn't over guys! Not just yet😌.

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