Chapter 6:Feelings

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After they both got up and got ready, Y/N and Kuroo rushed downstairs to the kitchen and had breakfast. Y/N's parents had already left so they were alone at home.

"I should probably be headed now. My mom is probably really worried."Kuroo said
"Awh but why she knows you're here right?So stay and we'll go to the park for ice cream." Y/N said with a begging face.
"I-I-I can't I uh have something to do that I forgot" Kuroo stuttered.
"Okay then.Then see you later I guess?" It was more of a question than a statement.
"Yeah.Sure." Kuroo said coldly, went to the door and left.

"He is acting a little weird" Y/N muttered to herself.

Kuroo was rushing to his house, countless thoughts on his mind.He finally arrived outside his door and entered.His mom was there waiting.

"Hey honey, how was yesterday?" His mom asked him almost immediately after he came in.
"It was...nice" Kuroo said almost sadly
"You're face surely doesn't say nice. What's up?" His mom noticed that something was up.
"It's nothing. I'm taking a shower." He said his head buried to his chest and rushed upstairs to the bathroom.

He got undressed and hopped into the shower.Thoughts here and there pouring like the water from the shower.

My heart pounds really fast when I see her.

My stomach feels super funny when I am with her.

I finally know what this feeling is.


I'm in love.

And last was perfect.

But...she doesn't even remember a thing.

I guess it was because she was sleepy after all.

So I guess she doesn't really feel the same...


Should I tell her?

I don't want our friendship to be over either.

I'm having a lot of fun and I'm happy around her.

I don't know...


He finally finished his circle of thoughts and got out of the shower. He went to his bedroom got dressed and fell on his bed on his stomach.


She is perfect.


Incoming message:Princess

Princess:Hey Kuroo?Is everything okay?You seemed kinda upset this morning.

Bedhead-Kun:It's nothing princess.My head was just hurting is all.

Princess:Oh okay. Umm soo you wanna hang out this evening?

Bedhead-Kun:I'm sorry not really feeling it today. My head kinda still hurts.

Princess:Okay then... I hope you feel better.

Bedhead-Kun:Yeah thanks.
Kuroo was pretty cold today with Y/N. She didn't know why. Did she do something wrong? Did she say something offensive?

Was it the last night cuddling?

Did she make him feel uncomfortable around her?

Yes Y/N perfectly remembered last night. She was just trying to get closer to him, make him feel comfortable. They were friends after all right? friends really sleep cuddling?

Did she do it for a whole other reason?

She felt something but she didn't know what it was.

She always smiled when she was with him.

She was laughing and having fun.

And her heart pounded so hard when they were talking and he looked at her with those beautiful bright hazel eyes.

And even last night's cuddling gave her butterflies when she was thinking about it.

Although she said to herself that was to become closer as friends.

Was he just a friend to her though?

Her feelings still a mystery to her.


By the time she stopped her thoughts her parents had come from work.She went downstairs greeted them and proceeded to have dinner with them.She later went upstairs to her bedroom again.She fell onto the bed.

He is just a friend right?



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