Chapter 4:Fateful Dinner

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The next few days Y/N and Kuroo hang out quite a lot. They went to the park again ate ice cream, Kuroo decided to show her his school and have her watch some of their practices. She even got to know his best friend Bokuto.He was really loud but Y/N liked him.

It...was nice.


Something just didn't feel right.


It was July already and Y/N hadn't even realized how fast the last month had passed. It must have been because she was having a lot of fun...with him.

Y/N decided that it was finally time her parents met Kuroo. They where hanging out for almost a month and her parents didn't really know that new friend of hers.

Kitty:Hey bedhead.

Bedhead-Kun:Hey gorgeous. What's up?

(She blushed at the compliment)
Kitty:What's your favorite food?

Bedhead-Kun:Huh? Where'd that come from?

Kitty:Just tell me already!

Bedhead-Kun:Okay fine. Umm. I guess that would be grilled salted mackerel pike.

Kitty:That is...unique.

Bedhead-Kun:Wow thanks.

Kitty:How does ramen sound?

Bedhead-Kun:Good but why are you asking me this?

Kitty:Because you're coming to dinner tomorrow night to meet my parents.

Bedhead-Kun:I'm what!?Woah woah there that is...

Kitty:That is what? We are friends right? We have been hanging out for almost a month now and my parents haven't even seen your face. Come on. It'll be fun.

Bedhead-Kun:You know I can't resist when you talk like that. Okay tomorrow at?

Kitty:8 p.m.. I'm looking forward to it.
She invited me to dinner he thought. That's something a girlfriend would do right?


It's finally time for the dinner. There is chaos in the kitchen as Y/N's parents prepare for their guest."Chill guys you don't have to be all  anxious"Y/N said trying to calm her parents down."But it's your first ever boyfriend we want to make a good impression on him"her mom answered with a smile. "Mooom for the 100th time he's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend." Y/N highlighted a light blush on her cheeks."Everyone starts off as friends"her dad added peeking his head from the corner of the kitchen looking at Y/N  with a grin.

Finally Kuroo arrives on his time. It  shows that he wants to make a good impression on Y/N's parents. Even though he is just a friend.

The weather outside is quite chilly it looks like it will rain even though it's summer. Well there are days like these in summer.

Kuroo rings the bell and Y/N rushes to the door. There was the black haired boy with his glowing hazel eyes smiling wide at the sight of his friend."Please come in. It looks like it will start raining soon we don't want you catching a cold do we Tetsurō"Y/N says making him blush a bit to the mention of his first name.

Once he steps in, here come the introductions."Good evening Mr and Mrs L/N I'm Kuroo Tetsurō"."Kuroo-kun it's nice to finally meet our daughter's secret friend"Y/N's mother said smiling."Moom stop it"Y/N was pretty embarrassed by her mom and she just looked at her way smiling.

Once the introductions were over they all headed to the kitchen table and started having dinner. It was pretty nice actually they had all kinds of conversations and Y/N's parents seemed to like Kuroo. Y/N was glad...


"Oh it's getting pretty late I think I should be going now" Kuroo announced getting up from the table and heading to the door, Y/N behind him."Thank you very much for dinner I had a lot of fun and it was a pleasure to meet you"."It was our pleasure really"Y/N's father exclaimed.

Upon opening the door thunder could be heard, soon after the night sky lighting up by lightning and starting to pour really hard."Shit"Kuroo muttered only audible to him and Y/N."I'll just call my mom"."You can stay the night if you want. We wouldn't want to worry your mother this late at night. We'll inform her you're staying yes?"Y/N's mom immediately suggested making it sound more like a declaration.

"I guess you're stuck with me for yet another night" He whispered in Y/N's ear and grinned at her.

She just smiled at him.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing she thought.

Author's note

Hope you are liking it so far!! Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters. I think I am gonna upload 3 or 4 more tomorrow.


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