Chapter 20:Together forever

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Some months passed after that fateful night. Of course in these months there were more fateful nights like the one before, each one holding something different and special. Y/N told her mother everything about her first night and her mom couldn't be happier about her, of course always telling her to be careful. They both agreed on not to tell her father and just let him assume that something had happened.

The school year was coming to an end. Both Kuroo and Y/N were studying hard to go to the same college. So of course at the cost of seeing each other everyday on their college days they had to sacrifice their time together for now. Of course they would meet when they found time and it would always end up in a fun time...

Some weeks more passed and final exams were on their way. They had both worked quite hard all year and that work really paid off and made its appearance on the results. They both successfully passed their last grade of high school and now there were only college entrance exams to take.

They both managed to pass and enter their preferred college. They had a lot planned in their minds but for now they would rest and have fun as much as they could since summer was here.

Y/N loved that season so much now. And so did Kuroo. It reminded both their first encounter, their first talk at the park, their first risky adventure at Y/N's house, their first kiss. It was filled with so many memories. In just three months last year everything had happened so quickly...

Their first year together anniversary came and of course they celebrated it as any happy couple should.




The time had come for them to start their college classes. They decided to move in together. Well Kuroo decided. Y/N thought it was still early but he was persistent and she couldn't bring herself to say no to him. So eventually they were living in the same house.

One day Y/N stayed homesick so she didn't go take her classes. Kuroo would give her all the notes and stuff so she wasn't worried.

She was bored at home. All she could do was chill in a warm blanket with a cup of tea in her hands, watching TV on her couch. Then the sound of keys could be heard from outside the apartment struggling to open the door. Y/N was ready to stand up and go open up but Kuroo managed to open it.

"Hey baby"Kuroo entered the house picking up the bags with goods he left temporarily on the floor.

"Hey"Y/N looked his way smiling at him.

"You feeling any better?"he walked behind the kitchen counter and placed the bags on it.

"What do you think? Do I fe-aaa-achoo~*sniff* feel any better?"

"Probably not" He smiled.
Y/N narrowed her eyes.

"What you got there?" Y/N asked.

"Hmm let's see" Kuroo started taking the goods out of the plastic bags showcasing them on the counter"we have a nice chicken for your all time favorite chicken soup. Some warm cocoa and tea for my sick princess. Aaand-"he took the last things out"Three, yes you heard right not one not two but three, bars of your favorite chocolate"He grinned.

Y/N's eyes lit up. She got up from the couch still holding the blanket around her and quickly walked over to Kuroo behind the counter. She gave him a warm hug and Kuroo hugged her back. She lifted her head to meet his eyes.

"Thank you. You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for" she told him genuinely grateful for him taking care of her. Kuroo's eyes sparkled and he smiled at her.

My one and only // Kuroo × Reader //Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang