Special Chapter: Halloween Party!

Start from the beginning







I walked towards my door and opened it for them.

"Thank you," Hitomi said.

"No problem, what are you guys?" I asked. I was a bit confused about their costume.

"Can we crash in first before we chat? We are hungry." Hitomi replied.

"Oh, sorry. Enjoy the food!"

"Where's Sakura?" Nako asked.

"I think she's in my room, still finishing up."

"May I?" She replied.

"Yes, go on. Just don't make a mess."

"Thanks, Dad!"

"What do you mean by that?!" I shouted, but all I saw was her little legs walking towards my room. Kids these days are something.

I followed Hitomi back to the kitchen and saw her munching on some bread.


"What do you mean, "why?" She asked back.

"Why are you eating bread rather than the sweets and meat we have prepared?"

"Just because," Hitomi replied, showing her cheeks puffed up.

"How's the whole girlfriend thing between you two?" I asked while I took out some wine for both of us.

"It's going well, but the fact we had to show our ID's each time we go to clubs because we look so young with our heights is tiring as fuck." She replied. "Especially Nako! She was once forbidden to drink wine on our monthsary just because the employees thought she was underage."

"Oh, sorry about that. Your heights make you look so cute!" I said and munched on some meat.

"That also helps with the bill. They assume we were younger than we are, so we get discounts."

"Good for you! Well, because Sakura and I are well known, we can't get discounts due to we are one of the millionaires at this time." I said. I remembered that day I rented the whole stadium for her to play with her favorite gamers, and I spent a lot on that day! I am thankful enough she loved it so much, she showered me with kisses and yeah. You know.

"The world's favorite couple indeed!" Hitomi replied.

I was about to say that they were with us in the favorite couples at this generation when my doorbell rang. I rushed towards the door to only find my sister smiling so shyly.

"What did you do?" I immediately asked Ryujin. She had this smirk on her face, and I don't love it.

"We just had a little fun," Ryujin replied, wrapping her arms around my sister's waist.

"Y-yes! S-so chill!" Chaeryeong said. Aigoo, if she will lie, she better lie better next time.

"Oh? You got something on your neck." I said. Chaeryeong and Ryujin both touched their neck, bingo! They did not do anything but kiss. On second thought, so both of them are switch? It must've been a lot of fun for both of them.

"I don't have anything on my neck!" Chaeryeong replied while Ryujin chuckled beside her.

"But you did touch your neck. Both of you did." I whispered to them, which caused them to look at each other with red cheeks.

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