Powerful Game Piece.

Start from the beginning

'From the routine that I've noticed through the years, the maids would be returning to take their break after switching with the other maids. I should leave now.'

She quickly gets up and leaves through the door, leaving it open, but just by a bit.
'The maids always leaves the door open with just enough of a crack to look inside, they did so so when anyone enters, if the door is closed, they would notice someone was in there.'

Sakura left it how it was and quickly went through the opposite way that those maids were entering, it directly lead to the garden and she walked through there to reach her own room. There she went through the window that she left open beforehand and gently closed it. She made sure take off her shoes and quicken her steps to reach her room.

'Daisy and Ivy are out getting the flowers I asked them to get, I made sure to be annoyingly specific of how I want the flowers to look, how many I want of each type and from where I want them to be picked from. I've been making this request every few times a months to make it seem like a normal routine so it wouldn't be strange if I asked them for it today like any other month. They should be done in around 10 or sominutes.'

Sakura quickly grabbed the shoes and threw them under a box she kept just for this day.
"Now I just need those incense."
She turns and looks at a delicate wooden box. She quickly opens the box she took and removed the bottle, she then closed it and hid it underneath a pile of toys she had.

Sakura runs to the wooden box beside her bed and opens it. A total number of three incense lay in it, a strong smell filled the air the moment she opened it. It held a healing and relaxing effect when taking a few whiffs, imagine how it would be when its lighted.

Sakura smiled at them and quickly uses a napkin to cover her face.
'Now to open the bottle.'
She made sure to take precautions when opening the bottle, she grabbed a pair of gloves she had that were thick, but easy to move in and she tied a handkerchief around her nose and mouth.

She then gently dipped the incense into the bottle, she twirled it around and removed it and turn it and grabbed the end that was just in the liquid with another handkerchief by the tip and repeated what she did with the other side. She did that with the other two incense and then carefully and gently dabbed them with the cloth inside the wooden box and closed the box after putting them inside how it was.

'Their anniversary will be tomorrow. Just give him the box as an early gift and if he asks how I knew. I'll just say Adeline told me, I've always used that excuse and Adeline simplemindedly would believe she did.'

Sakura giggles a bit when she thinks of her blank minded friend, Adeline always forgets what she said or didn't say.

'I'll make sure to tell him to use it especially today because they lose their relaxing effect after a few days and I bought it yesterday. And even if he checks to see if something was wrong with the incense after they do the deed, the liquid would already loose effect after today. So all traces would disappear.'

She closed the box and placed it back where it was.
'Knowing Gabriel, he is a man of his word, so he'll definitely use it today after I naively tell him to use it today because I want them to have it as fresh as possible so they can be relax and enjoy their anniversary tomorrow.'

'And I was right. She got pregnant and it is in the beginning stages, just like how I needed it to be.'

"So Auntie Sapphire can't go with me and Adeline?"

"No, your highness. Sapphire is in a very important state right now, so sadly she won't be able to go. But look, I'll ask my sons to go with you guys, how does that sound?"

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