Spell To Control Flame Smoke

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Hello! Sorry for not updating. Anyways, this is a spell to help you control the smoke of flames. It is a type of kinesis, I just don't remember what it is called. This spell is very simple, and is safe for everyone to do!


It is proven to work! I do it all the time.

Let's start!

There are no ingredients.

First, light any candle. Face parallel to the candle, and watch the flame. Really focus on how it's moving. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself blowing out the candle, and the smoke moving in a certain pattern. Once you have done this, open your eyes, and blow out the flame.

As soon as you blow out the flame, hold out your hand. Move your hand in the motion/pattern you want the smoke to move in. If you want the smoke to coil, draw circles in the air with your finger. If you want the flame to travel straight up, draw a straight line. Keep sending your energy into the smoke while doing this. 

The smoke should change its pattern!

That's all! I find this spell so fun, and do it whenever I blow out a candle!

Have a nice day! :)

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