Spell To Become A Mermaid

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Hello! I hope everyone had a good Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrated! 

First of all, I would like to start by saying I am sorry for not updating in so long. It has been almost a month, but I have had trouble with the Wattpad website. It has been glitching and not letting me add to my story. But as you can see, that is fixed now!

Today's spell will be on how to become a mermaid. This will speed up your shifting process to hopefully fully shift into a mermaid one day! Right away you should start feeling some signs such as headaches, dizziness, clumsiness, or itchy where scales would be. Those are all signs of becoming a mermaid. This spell is safe for everyone and is easy to perform, but you may need to try this spell a couple of times before feeling symptoms/fully shifting.

PLEASE NOT, AGAIN: This spell will not immediately turn you into a mermaid right away, no matter how much belief you put into it. This will only speed up your shifting process. You need to do this along with the other steps of becoming a mermaid.

If you have any questions on the other steps needed to become a mermaid, DM on Wattpad and I will explain in detail!


It is proven to work.

Let's start!

You do not need anything, just like you don't need anything to shift. You can simply recite the spell while laying in bed, but to speed it up and help the spell you could put more effort into it. I suggest meditating for 5 minutes before saying it, and then recite the spell while in water. You could say it in the bath, shower, pool, or even just with your hands in a bowl of water. This will simply help you connect to your mermaid spirit.

Once you have decided a place to say your spell, say these words:

"Magic spirits of the deep, I would like a tail and not two feet. Beauty be upon me, fish of all kinds. Let me see when I'm finished in the sea, when I'm dry my feet will return."

The most important thing is belief. You need to truly believe you can shift and truly believe you can be a mermaid!

That's all! If you have any questions on shifting into a mermaid, as I said, DM me and I will answer anything!

Have a nice day!

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