Spell To Control The Air

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This spell will give you the power to control air! Please don't get upset if it doesn't work right away... This is hard to do. It will take practice and belief in yourself to get it to work. Don't get upset and give up, or else it will never work! This is advanced but is safe for everyone. It takes work and practice!


It is proven to work. I tried it and commanded the wind to blow, and when I looked outside, the trees were blowing! And they weren't blowing before. It listened to a few commands the first day, then the next day it listened to everything I said until I told it I didn't want the control anymore.

Let's start!

There are no ingredients.

You can go outside or inside for this. Start by meditating and thinking about controlling the air. Imagine it doing everything you say as you say the following:

"Air, air, by the power of three, give the power and control to me."

Or, you can say:

"Air, air, the invisible deadly force. Give me the power to control you."

Only choose one to say, don't mix them both together. Say it 5 or more times, then ask the wind to do something reasonable, like blowing strongly, softly, or stopping.

That's it! Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work right away. This spell is hard and takes practice. It took me 3 days to control it. Believe it will work and don't give up!

Have a nice day :)

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