Spell To Tie An Object To You

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This spell will tie an object to you so you never lose it and always know where it is. If someone else takes this object, listen to your gut feeling and you will be able to find it! This spell is for intermediate-advanced witches. It is safe for beginner witches, but it may not work as well for them and the connection will be flimsy.


It is proven to work. I tied my book of shadows to me and I always feel like I know where it is! 

Let's start!

Ingredients: a purple candle or a deep blue candle, the object you want to tie to you, something that represents your element (air=feather, fire=a flame on the candle), best done on a Thursday or a Friday.

Sit cross-legged on the floor with the candle in front of you. If your element is fire, light your candle. If your element is something else, put your elemental representing object behind the candle. Then, pick up your object you want to tie to you and hold it in your dominant hand. Curl your fist around it and circle the object clockwise over the top of the candle. Say the following:

"Keep this object that is right here, always with me, always near."

Say this 3 times, then place the object over your heart. Keep it there until you feel you should take it away from your heart. That's all!

I hope you enjoyed the spell! Have a good day!

Book of ShadowsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя