Spell To Talk To Your Spirit Guides

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Hello! Some people told me they wanted a spell to talk to your spirit guides, so this is what this chapter will be. I will tell you how to connect with them, and some tips and tricks to find out about them!

For those who don't know what spirit guides are; practically they are like guardian angels, but spirits. They guide you and watch over you, as it is their job to protect and lead you. Your spirit guides are always with you and love it when you connect with them! I often connect with mine and it is always a great experience :) They answer all of your questions truthfully!

This is easy and safe for everyone to do.


It is proven to work.

Let's start!

Ingredients: A pendulum. If you do not have a pendulum you should get any ring and a piece of your hair and loop it around the ring so it is like a pendulum. Either work, whatever you want to use is fine! I don't have a pendulum so I use the ring and hair. Make sure it is your hair though!

First, start by holding out your hand, palm up, and holding the pendulum or ring over your palm. Say the following words:

"I call upon my spirit guides, guardian angels, and only the greater good to give me the most honest and truthful answers to my questions."

Now, put the pendulum down on your palm, still holding the string. Then say, "This is yes", and bring up the pendulum. The pendulum will either spin in circles or swing back and forth. Do the same thing for 'no'. Every time it may be different, but one is no and the other is yes. Just for now, let's say the circles are yes and swinging back and forth is no.

First, you can start by asking if they are there, and the pendulum will say yes. Then you can start asking any question you want, but they must be yes or no questions.

To do this simply bring down the pendulum so it is on your palm, then lift it up. Let it naturally swing to give the most truthful answers!

Alright, so that is the spell! But, there is one more part I would like to write.

A lot of people want to know their spirit guide's name, as they want to refer to them with their name. To do this, start by asking if their name has five or fewer letters. If yes, start narrowing it down by asking if there is 4, then 3, and on. If they say no to 5 or fewer letters, you can start asking if they have 5 or more.

Then, start with vowels. Ask if they have an 'a', then an 'i', then an 'o', then a 'u', then an 'e'. You can ask how many of each vowel there are by using yes and no questions as well.

Remember to write the letters down so it is easier to remember. 

Then you can start asking for the other letters. I asked, "do you have a letter between a and g in your name". If no, move on, if yes, go through the letters. Keep doing this until you have reached the end of the alphabet. Once done, ask your spirit guide if you got all the letters, if yes, move on, if no, try again.

Also, make sure to ask if any of the letters are double letters.

Then start arranging the letters into a name. Keep arranging them until your spirit guide says that is their name. You can even ask for the pronunciation of the name through yes or no.

This process can take a while if they have a longer name, but I promise it is worth it to find out their name!

Once you contact your spirit guides, try to contact them a few times each week, even if it's just for a few minutes. They love answering your questions and checking up on you.

That's all! Spirit guides can be complicated and I tried my best to explain this without confusion, but if you have any questions, please comment them or DM me. I will answer them all!

Hope everyone has a good day :)

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