Spell To Avoid Running Out Of Breath

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Hello! I'm back again! I thought I had plans today but I actually don't so I decided to come on here for a short spell! This spell will help you hold your breath longer. Do it if you are swimming to avoid running out of breath quickly! This spell is safe for all levels of witches.


It is proven to work. I tried it and I was able to hold my breath way longer than before I did the spell.

Let's start!

There are no ingredients.

All you have to do is say the following under your breath:

"The breath that leaves me, stay inside, for I can't abide to learn to pass this skill. So mote it be, as I will."

Say this only once. Now try holding your breath; it will seem easier than before and you will be able to hold your breath longer!

That's it! So for tomorrow I may or may not have plans... If I do I won't be able to update, but if I don't, I will! 

Bye! Have a nice day :)

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