Spell To Open Your Third Eye

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Hello! Welcome back to another spell. This one will be on how to open your third eye! There are many different ways to open your third eye, this is just one I have in my BOS. This isn't a spell that automatically opens your third eye, it will take a little while. You should do this spell every day at least once to open it, as opening your third eye is a process and takes time. I haven't opened mine yet and am still working on it, and I can't say when it will as everyone takes a different amount of time to open theirs.

I would suggest researching a lot before deciding to open your third eye. Yes, it has many benefits, like being able to fully connect to your higher self and spirit guides, being more powerful at spells and manifestation, and better at everything spiritual in general. There are also bad parts, too, like seeing ghosts and spirits, hearing voices, crying more at first, and seeing through everyone. When I say seeing through everyone I mean being able to see their true self, so you may lose a lot of friends and people you love when you see who they truly are. Opening your third eye is safe and good for you, but if you are scared, it means you are not quite ready for it and should wait a bit. Do not force it open and do not force yourself to open it. You can always ask your spirit guides if you are ready!

This spell is pretty easy, but I wouldn't suggest a baby witch try it. You should be more experienced with witchcraft and spirituality to try it. I would say after 5-6 months of practicing you can try this spell!


It is proven to work.

Let's start!

*NOTE* you cannot just magically open your third eye, it takes work, including doing more than just meditation. I would suggest keeping your vibrations high by drinking lots of water and eating healthy food, as well as keeping yourself grounded, and doing yoga. 

Ingredients: A bowl of water, amethyst crystal, lemon oil, pen, and paper (could be a notebook).

It would be great if you have an amethyst, but if you don't, it is okay. You can still open your third eye without it, it just helps with the process. If you don't have lemon oil, you could use the juice of real lemon fruit, and you will see why later in the spell.

Start by sitting down in a quiet place with your ingredients. It could be outside so you are more grounded or in your room. You could even switch up where you do the spell every time you do it!

Now, put your lemon oil or lemon juice in the bowl of water. Don't mix it or anything, just let it stir itself. Now lay down and put the bowl at the end of your feet, as square to your body as you can. Put your amethyst if you have it in the middle of your eyebrows, where our third eye is.

Now quickly do a short meditation here to clear your mind, so just focus on your breath until you feel like you don't have as many distractions in your mind. (If you want to listen to some relaxing meditation while doing this, go ahead!)

Once you are finished, have the strong intent of opening your third eye. Imagine how you will feel when it is open, how many new things you will be able to learn and see. Imagine how beneficial it will be to you. 

Now, imagine in the place right under your amethyst that there is an eye that is closed. Imagine starting to flutter it open. Really try to feel what it would like if you really were opening a physical eye there. Once it is completely open, take off your amethyst and imagine your third eye adjusting to the light.

And then you can start to wake yourself up. There isn't a certain time you should meditate for, it is whenever you feel you are ready, you can wake up. Some of my meditations are a few minutes, and others are closer to an hour. It's however much work you want to do at that moment.

Get your pen and paper and start writing some affirmations to help open your third eye, such as, "My third eye is open", and, "It is easy for me to open my third eye".

Once you have written these manifestations, you are done.

If you want, you can diffuse your lemon water in a diffuser, if you have one. If not, try to keep the bowl near you. You could even re-use that bowl the next time you do the meditation.

If there is ever a time you don't want to use the ingredients, or if you don't have them, don't stress. They only help open your third eye, but it is totally possible to open it with only mediation!

That's all! Hope that you enjoy this spell. Remember this isn't the only way to open your third eye, there are many different ways. Nothing is the 'wrong way' to open it, you can do it however your body wants you to! Have a nice day and please ask me any questions you have :)

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