Spell To Put A Protective Blessing On Dogs

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This spell will put a protective circle and blessing over your dog! This spell if completely safe and will not hurt them. This spell is only for dogs, not any other animal, but soon I will write a protective spell for all animals! Safe for all levels of witches.


You can't really prove if this spell works, but I tried it on my dog and he is very happy and safe! He also had a sore leg before I put the blessing on him and after I did, he didn't limp on it or cry about it or anything anymore!

Let's start!

Ingredients: blessed water (I have a spell for blessed water earlier in the book).

Have your dog sit or stand in front of you. Look into his\her eyes, but they don't have to look into yours because, you know, dogs move. Say the following:

"Gods and Goddesses, keeper of dogs both fierce and mild, hold (dog's name) safely in your arms, and protect these creatures from all possible harm. And should the day come that he\she roams, guide them to the path back home. Bless (dog's name) with a joyful life, free of hardship, stress, and strife."

Then dip your finger in the blessed water and drop a small amount on the dog's head. You can even put the rest of the blessed water in their dog bowl to drink (which is completely safe), but that is up to you.

That's all! Have fun with your dogs!

See ya soon :)

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