Spell To Remember Your Past Life

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This spell will help you to look into your past life and remember it. Please note that you have to be very stable to do this. Be prepared in case you see something traumatic, which you might. You may see the way you died, or a scary face, or something like that. This spell is safe for all levels of witches.


It is proven to work. I haven't tried it myself because my mom always told me she thinks I had a traumatic death in my past life... So I'm afraid I will see something scary haha. But, I read the comments of the post I got this spell from and people said it did work and they found out their past life. Hopefully one day I will get over my fear and do this!

Let's start!

Ingredients: amethyst, clear quartz, or carnelian (all would be even better, but you don't have to), journal, pen. 

Go into a room and turn off the lights. Play some soft, relaxing music and hold the crystals in your hands. Clear your mind so it is blank. Meditate for a few minutes and really relax. Once you are done, pay attention to the first colour you see. Now, focus on that colour. Is it turning into more colours? Does it have a pattern? Then, imagine that colour turning into a door. Focus on the door, and say out loud what it looks like. What is it made of? Wood? Steel? Is it engraved? Now walk up to the door and put your hand on the doorknob. Imagine the feel of it. Is it cold, warm, wood? Then, say the following out loud:

"I call upon the universe and stars, to grant me access to the lives I've lived before."

The door will open.

When it opens, don't be surprised if you see a very bright light. Don't open your eyes, or else you will have to start from the beginning. Now, walk forward and take in its scenery as it starts to come. Really focus on what is happening. Where are you? What does it look like? Is it warm? Are there people around? Explain what you see in complete detail. You could even say these things out loud; it would help you remember better.

Keep walking forward and asking yourself questions. What is your name? What gender are you? Are you an animal? How do you feel? What colour is your hair? What are you wearing? What do you hear? Really take everything into detail.

Stay in as long as you would like. Just make sure you don't randomly open your eyes, even if you're scared. If you see something scary, remember that nothing there is real! It is not happening now, it happened in the past. No one is hurting you. You can't feel any pain. Just relax and keep exploring. 

Make sure to not explore too far, or else you won't be able to find the door again.

Once you are done, make your way back to the door. As you are walking through, say the following:

"Thank you for granting me access. I no longer wish to see more. Please take me back to the present world." 

Thank the universe for granting you access. Keep your eyes closed and let your relaxing music fill your ears again. Once everything returns to black and you cannot see the colour or door anymore, open your eyes. Grabe your journal and write down everything you saw.

That's all! Please be careful when you do this. Don't travel too far, or else you won't be able to find the door and won't be able to leave. If you're scared, don't open your eyes! Everything there is just a vision and cannot hurt you. Don't tell people in your vision personal information about yourself like your name in the present world. That person may actually be a spirit in disguise and use your name to hold power over you. If you die in your vision and everything turns black, open your eyes and say the thanking chant out loud.  

Let me know if this worked for you and what you saw! Have fun, and be careful.

Have a good day :)  

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