Spell To See The Future

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Hey witches! I haven't updated in a while... But I'm back again! It is getting hard to update every single day as things are starting to open up again from the virus and I have more things to do and less time to write. It makes me sad that I can't update every day, but I will try to update at least every other day. Thank you to the people who are letting me know they like the spells! It keeps me motivated :)

Okay so now for the spell... This spell will help you see the future. It won't show you an extremely clear picture, but it will show you faint pieces of it. Note that this spell is pretty advanced but it is still safe for all witches to try. It may only work if you have been a witch for years or if you have psychic abilities.


It is proven to work. I have some psychic abilities and it worked for me. If you don't have strong psychic abilities, don't be afraid to try it! It is safe and might work for you.

Let's start!

Ingredients: a glass of water (preferably pure rainwater or moon water, but other water will still work), sugar, black pepper, paper towels (optional).

Set the paper towels down if you want. This spell involves sloshing water around and can get a little messy, so paper towels will just help contain the mess. Next, put down the cup and add the sugar, then the black pepper. Make sure you add the sugar FIRST, then the pepper. Now, tip the glass back and forth so some of the water spills out of the top of the cup. Say the following:

"Show me the future, I want to see. This is my will, so mote it be."

Repeat these words until half of the water has spilled out of the cup. Now look through the cup and watch the black pepper and sugar carefully. Notice how it will fall into different shapes. Remember these shapes and think about what they look like because those are shapes of the future. It should show you a small picture of what will happen. 

Once you have seen the pepper and sugar take its shape, dump the water outside in a natural area. Anywhere outside is fine; it could be on a tree, flowers, the grass, etc. And that's all!

I hope you enjoy this spell! I will be back in a day or two, or maybe even tomorrow if I'm not busy!

Blessed be!   

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