Spell To Talk To Animals

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This spell will allow you to connect with animals. This is the spell I used on my dog and I am now able to speak to him! Please note that your pets will not actually be able to talk, but you will be able to speak with them telepathically. They will like you more and will listen to your commands. This spell is totally safe for animals and everyone, but you may only get results if you are an intermidiate\advanced witch. If you are a beginner witch, you may not be able to speak telepathically, but you will have a better connection and understanding of your pets.


It is proven to work. I did it on one of my dogs and I was able to give him commands telepathically. He now likes me more and understands every single word I say!

Let's start!

There are no ingredients.

All you have to do is have your pet in front of you. Look at them, even touch their head if you would like. Think about sending your energy into them as you say the following:

"Blink, blink, (animal's name), talk to me. Let your human voice come out. Tell me your feelings and I will tell you mine."

Say this 3 times, then try telling your dog a command telepathically. If they don't hear it, try again the next day. It may take a few days to work!

That's all! I will update again soon as I have a cool spell up next ;)

Have a good day!

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