Spell To Make More Money

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Good evening! Here is a super easy money spell with fast results. This is always my go to spell when I need money because it is so quick. This spell is easy and is safe for everyone to do.


It is proven to work. I can't even count how many times I've done this! It always gets me money quickly when I'm in need. 

Let's start!

Ingredinets: A bill (any kind), cinnamon, water.

First, stir about a tablespoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of water. The mixture should be liquid, but not super runny. It should have a little bit of thickness, but if it doesn't, just add a little bit more cinnamon.

Next, dip your finger in the mixture and spread it over both sides of the bill. This will not ruin the bill, and when you want to use the bill again, you can easilly wash it off. Once the bill is totally coated (you will be able to see the bill underneath, so don't worry), put it in your wallet. If you don't want it making a mess, put it in a paper towel or a zip block bag, just so the cinnamon doesn't get everywhere.

And that's it! Now you just have to wait shortly for the results! 

Have a nice day :) 

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