Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Genevieve was running. From what - she didn't know. All she knew was that she was running. She zipped past coral, schools of fish and even dolphins. But, as she was running, she stumbled over a coral and fell to the ground. As she got up, she saw the High King appear. He slowly walked towards Genevieve, his guards dragging people behind him. As they got closer, she recognized their faces. It was Chelsea, Dorien, and her sisters!

"No!" Genevieve screamed and started to run towards them, but one of the High King's guards held her back. She struggled against him. She tried to call to her powers, but they weren't working. The king was restricting her powers. How, she didn't know.

Slowly, the king walked over to Chelsea, a fire lit on his finger. "No!" Genevieve screamed. "No! Stop it!" Each shout was more heart wrenching than the one before. The king lit Chelsea's hair on fire. The hot embers were burning her hair, inching towards her face. The High King walked away, repeating the process on Dorien, Vivien, and then finally Lana. Genevieve eyes blurred over. Her voice was hoarse from screaming. Chelsea had dropped dead. Dorien was at his last breaths. Vivien and Lana were screaming as they were engulfed in flames. Their shouts pierced Genevieve's heart like daggers. The High King watched, grinning maliciously. "My darling," he croned.

Genevieve woke up with a scream. Vivien jumped at the scream and Lana groggily woke up. Genevieve's face was streaked with tears. The next she knew, Lana and Vivien were hugging her, whispering, "You're okay. It was just a nightmare. You're okay."

Genevieve was trembling. "The H-High Ki-King, he, he was burning you and, and I h-had to w-watch. You all died before me. You, Lana, Dorien and Ch-Chelsea."

"It's okay," Vivien said, trying to soothe her. "We're all alive."

"But Chelsea and Dorien are gone. Th-The High King took her a-and Dorien went to look for her. They, they could be dead, all because of the High King." Genevieve's tears dried up. "All because of the High King," she echoed. "This is all happening because of the High King. The High King is the reason Chelsea and Dorien are gone." Genevieve repeated, with more affirmity. She set off to see Collin, leaving her sisters in their fort.

As Genevieve left, she took out a shell from her shell necklace and whispered ''free.'' A few moments later, the shell glowed green.

Genevieve set out to the beach, angry.

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