Chapter 27

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Vivien was reading a book. It was a wonderful book, and one of her favorites. It was about a teenage spellcaster who was being hunted by an evil spellcaster. The evil spellcaster wanted to take over all spellcasters and the only person that could stop him was the teenage spellcaster.

It was a silly book, her mother said. Teenage children cannot save the world. Besides, her mother would say, you have more important things to worry about than reading irrelevant children books.

But Vivien disregarded her, as normal. Her mother was always on top of her, namely because she was the crown princess of Thálassa. Vivien wandered the corridors, looking for Genevieve, passing guards every few steps. Genevieve appreciated good literature.

Vivien walked to Genevieve's bedroom, her face still stuck in her novel. She opened the ivory-white doors and stepped inside the sitting room. The sitting room was wide and well lit, with a cerulean velvet sofa against the wall. In front of the sofa, a glass table was set with vivid paintings and clusters of small paint bottles. Beyond that, there was a wide opening, leading into Genevieve's bedroom. Vivien silently entered Genevieve's bedroom. Genevieve's huge bed was covered in soft blue blankets that were embellished in golden designs, was neatly done. Another glass table was in front of the bed, and that too, was covered with paintings. Vivien peered into Genevieve's giant walk-in closet, which resembled a palace itself, filled top-to-bottom with clothes, shoes, and tiaras. But Genevieve wasn't there either.

Vivien knew that Genevieve snuck out every few days, so she wasn't surprised that Genevieve wasn't in her room. Vivien made her way down to their secret exit and decided to wander around there. Now, she could see when Genevieve snuck back, but it wouldn't be obvious that she was waiting for her.

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