Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Genevieve crept to Chelsea's room. "Are you awake?" she whispered.

"Gen!" Chelsea exclaimed. "You're okay!"

"Shhh!" Genevieve said. Then, she said, "I got lost."

"Really?" Chelsea was confused. "How did you get back then?"

"Well..." Genevieve started, "This guy kinda helped me..."

"What?" Chelsea asked, curious. "Who? Tell me everything!" She demanded.

Genevieve spilled. She told Chelsea how she got lost in Giínos and came across a bear.

"How did you get away?" Chelsea asked, worried.

"There was a guy. He just jumped out of a tree and saved me. Well, he told me to freeze and be quiet. He also helped get back to the beach."

"You got his name, right?"

"Yeah, his name was Collin."

At that, Chelsea froze. "Collin?" she asked, "Collin Terran?"

"I didn't get his last name," Genevieve said, suspicious.

"He has a sister, named Jasmine?" Chelsea prodded.

"Yeah...How do know?"

Chelsea whitened. "Did he tell you anything?"

"How do you know him?" Genevieve asked her again.

Chelsea ignored the question. "Did he tell you anything?" she asked, more frantic.

"Nothing of importance," Genevieve lied. Did Chelsea know that Collin told me about the Wildflowers?

Chelsea looked like she didn't believe her but dropped it. "So, how did you like Giínos?"

"It was"

Chelsea laughed. "Of course, that's the first thing you say."

"What? It was!"

"I believe you," Chelsea said, holding back her giggles. "But was it fun?"

"It was amazing." Genevieve said dreamily. "Exploring the wilderness all by myself, without anyone...It was wonderful."

"Seems like you enjoyed yourself."

"Of course I did! I actually got to do whatever I wanted without any guards trailing me. It was the best experience ever! You're so lucky. You have so much freedom."

"Ha. Sure. Have you met my mother? She doesn't let me have more than two breaks in the whole day!"

"But you don't have a million guards trailing you everywhere!" Genevieve playfully retorted.

"True," Chelsea said, faking defeat. "I guess you win."

Genevieve laughed. "I always win."

"Yeah, sure." Chelsea said, with a silent smile plastered her face.

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