Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Genevieve sat down at the breakfast table. Only a few hours until freedom. She just had to suffer through half of the day.

After what felt like a millennia of hours, Genevieve's two sisters, Vivien and Lana, came in, along with their parents Queen Marella and King Morcan of Thálassa. Her older sister, Vivien, (who was the crown princess of Thálassa) sat down quietly next to her. Her long blonde hair was pinned up in a bun, her face was smooth and contoured, highlighting her sea green eyes, Vivien looked like a true princess. Her soft pink lips were coated with a faint coral lipstick, and she was wearing a long, emerald dress with a simple silver trim on the neckline, sleeves, and hem. Genevieve envied her. Vivien was a natural beauty and no one could deny it. Genevieve wished that she could be as naturally pretty as her sister. Vivien was enthralling on a daily basis.

On the other side of Genevieve, her younger sister, Lana, sat down. Lana was the epitome of a child princess. Even though she was 16, Lana had a childish spirit, always being bubbly and happy. Her ocean blue eyes would always be wide with excitement, her sandy blonde hair was always in braids, and her rosy pink lips would always be pulled upwards in a smile. She always wore pastel dresses covered in white ribbons and gold embroidery that added to her innocent disposition. Lana was always happy and upbeat, making everyone love her. She was the people's favorite. If she asked everyone in the realm to lie down and roll over, they would all willing do so in less than five seconds.

Her mother, Queen Marella, was exactly like Vivien, except for her eyes. Her mother's were ocean blue, just like Genevieve's and Lana's. She was a gentle queen and kind to her subjects.

On the other hand, Genevieve's father was a stern man. His sea green eyes were rarely filled with emotion. His sandy blonde hair was perfectly combed. He was a harsh father, but Genevieve knew that everything he did was with his family and kingdom's well-being in mind.

"Genevieve," her mother started. "Happy 18th Birthday, my dear." Genevieve beamed with joy.

"Yeah, sis," exclaimed Lana. "Happy Birthday! Can we eat cake now??"

Everyone laughed.

"Nice to know you care so much about me."

Lana giggled. "Well, birthdays equal cake and cake is amazing."

"Can't argue with that."


After breakfast, Genevieve wandered the corridors looking for her two best friends: Chelsea and Dorien. She knew that Dorien was probably in his bedroom, being lazy however, Chelsea could be anywhere, from the sewing to the kitchens to some courtier's room. She would harder to find.

Genevieve headed towards Dorien's room. His room was situated near the royal rooms, since his father was an army general. His father fought in the civil war against Fotiá. She remembered what her tutors had taught her about the war. She wasn't born then, but it must have been horrible. She remembered the story of General Tyne, Dorien's father. He had fought valiantly against the high king. Killing almost all of the king's soldiers, the High King himself paid a visit to the General. General Tyne might've been one of the strongest men in Thálassa, but no one could survive the wrath of the high king. Dorien was only a baby, one year old when his father died.

When Genevieve finally reached Dorien's room, she had traveled over an eternity of stairs, luscious velvet carpets, and an array of different sea plants. Genevieve opened the door walked into the room.

Inside, Dorien was sprawled across his white and silver sheeted bed in a simple white shirt and black pants, reading. His messy pale hair hung over his ice-blue eyes as he intently read, sucking in every word on the page like a sponge. Genevieve stood there arms crossed for a few moments, waiting for Dorien to realize that she was there. When it was clear that he would never look up from that book willingly, Genevieve hastily grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face. "Oof!" He glanced up at Genevieve and scowled. "For a princess, you don't really have any manners."

Genevieve smiled. "You go tell yourself that, okay?"

Dorien sat up and smoothed down his shirt, disregarding Genevieve's remark. He turned his unnervingly pale eyes upon her, with an interest. "What are you doing here?"

"Rude much? It's my birthday and I want to spend it with my two best friends."

"Yeah, right." Dorien smirked unconvinced. "Tell me why you're really here."

Genevieve sighed. "Fine, but we should find Chelsea. Then I'll tell you both together."


I'm really really really sorry that I didn't update on Tuesday. I got caught up with homework. Sorry. 

The next update will probably be on Monday (fingers crossed).


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