Chapter 23

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As Genevieve and Collin walked to Collin's tree, Genevieve blurted, "What's it like being a rebel?"

Collin stopped abruptly, "What?"

"What do you mean, 'what'?"

"That's a dangerous question. Princesses like you shouldn't be asking questions like that."

"Why shouldn't 'princesses like me' ask questions like that? Are we not smart enough to understand this kind of stuff?" Genevieve questioned in a frosty tone. She was angry. Who did Collin think he was, telling her what she should and shouldn't be saying? She was a princess and he was below her! She could get him executed if she wanted to!

Collin sighed. "Well, that's what princesses are, aren't they? Why do you think that no one asks princesses to become rebels? They aren't fit to be them. They're always off doing their makeup or flirting with some prince that they met five minutes ago. Besides, we don't want delicate people like you to get hurt and-"

"Are you saying that we're weak? When royalty have stronger powers than common folk!"

Collin shook his head, disgusted. "Yes. I am. You haven't proven anything other than that you're an annoying princess who shouldn't know any of this! I mean, you didn't even know how to get away from a simple bear!"

"How dare you! I could get you beheaded for saying something like that! How would I know how to get away from a bear? There are no bears underwater! I'd like to see you get away from a shark! I've done that four times!" Genevieve was now screaming.

"Well I've gotten away from a cougar seven times! And I've wrestled a bear twice. I'm also a rebel. Along with that, I take care of my little sister! I provide her with food and shelter. You probably couldn't last a day out in the woods! You are so spoiled, getting everything delivered right to your plate! You can't even do anything that I do!"

"You have no idea how I've suffered! I'll show you! I can be a rebel too!"

"I'd like to see you try. You need to, uh, pass a test to be a rebel and I bet you wouldn't last two seconds in it," Collin scoffed.

"Challenge accepted! I'll see you here tomorrow!" Genevieve seethed. She turned the other way and stormed off.

Collin looked stricken for a second. "Impulsive much?"

It hurt Genevieve to be fighting with Collin, but she was determined to prove herself.

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