Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

" now Chelsea is gone and the whole palace is on lockdown," finished Genevieve, quivering.

"Gen," started Collin. "How did you-"

"Get out?" answered Genevieve. "A few months ago, part of the western wall got knocked down. My parents decided that they would remodel. Now, there is a passageway that only lets the royal family through. Some of the best spellcasters worked on it. It's supposed to be for emergency, but my sisters and I use it all the time."

Genevieve knew that telling this to a stranger that she met a few months ago was not the best idea. But, for some reason, she felt a bond with Collin. He didn't seem like he would betray her.

"Spellcasters?" Collin questioned worriedly. "Who are they?"

Oh, Genevieve realized. Collin didn't know who spellcasters were. Well they weren't that well known anyway, so she didn't expect him to know who they were. Genevieve started to explain. "A few thousand years ago, our people started drawing pictures as words. They found out that these pictures, called runes (or marks cuz we're so cool we also have shadowhunters lol authors edit), could enhance our magical ability. After many years, they also found out that they could to other things, things that no one could do with their power. They called it 'magic.' These magicians, which we now call spellcasters continued experimenting with pictures and to this day, still no one knows exactly how many runes exist. New ones are still being found," she finished.

"That could be a threat," said Collin. "The spellcasters-"

"I know," cut Genevieve, "they could have magicked it to let others through, but Vivan is an expert at spells, and she and my parents thoroughly checked it last night. It wasn't used for the breakthrough."

"If you say so," said Collin, dubiously. "But, you never know. Anyone can betray anyone."

"Gosh, you're so paranoid. Why don't you relax a little bit? Father has a search party set out to find this person and save Chelsea. If he can't find them, no one can." Genevieve said confidently, laughing her worries away.

"If you say so." Genevieve could tell that Collin was unconvinced.

"I'll be okay, I promise."

"Just be careful." Collin said grimly. "I want to be able to talk to you again and I can't if you're dead. My girlfriend's gone and I don't want to lose you too." Collin said, gazing into her eyes. They were almost like Chelsea's, but instead of sky, it was the ocean. (we were having fun and trying to be cringey so theyre all google doc edits and idc anymore)

"What a pessimist," Genevieve said, but her face turned grim too. "But, I'll be careful. Father is posting more guards around our rooms anyway. Stay safe Collin."

"You too," Collin replied, ending the conversation the way they always did. Genevieve descending into the water and was whisked away by the waves, back to the palace.

Little did they know, someone had been human stalking them the whole time.

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