Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Princess Genevieve Meredith Delmare woke up as rays of sunlight shone through the water.

The large, glass windows across from her bed displayed a cerulean landscape full of aquatic plants and small, colorful fish. Outside, the water was tranquil and calm. The halls were as quiet as a flowing river in the morning hours.

But Genevieve was used to this, as she was a princess of Thálassa. On most days, she had a busy schedule. However, today was Genvieve's 18th birthday and her parents consented to letting her have a few hours of freedom. It was an occasion where she could go out and explore the world by herself, without anyone trailing behind her.


The word rang in her ears and filled her mouth with a delicious taste of longing.

Before she could recall the sweet longing, Brooke, one of her maids, called her for breakfast. Breaking from her reverie, Genevieve hastily got up and dressed for the day. Her maids daintily fastened the buttons of her dress and she slipped on a pair of gold rimmed flats.

Before she left, Genevieve took a quick glance at herself in her coral-rimmed mirror. She looked the same as always. Ocean-blue eyes stared back at her as Genevieve examined her slender, 5' 7 stature in the mirror. Her wavy pale-blonde hair flowed down till the middle of her back, rosy cheeks were tinted with a light blush, soft, pink lips were coated with a layer of light pink lipstick, and her sky blue, off-the-shoulder, day dress was decorated with intricate golden designs as it cascaded down to the floor.

Genevieve looked the same as always.

She smiled. Genevieve was ready for the best birthday ever.


Sorry it's a short chapter.

It will get longer. 

And more interesting soon. 


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