Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Midnight came fast and the area was enveloped with a thick layer of darkness. In the dead night, the cloaked figure crept closer and closer to the target. Camouflaged by shadows and undetectable to the eye, it grinned with contempt. Its motions were fluid and agile as it expertly scampered through the landscape.

Patiently, the figure turned a corner and observed its surroundings. The cool stone walls were quiet and undisturbed.

The figure clutched its blade, eyes darkening with focus. Slowly, the figure inched forward and turned the knob of the door in a single, graceful motion.The door opened soundlessly, casting a sliver of moonlight into the room. Slipping in, the figure walked closer to the target, striding deftly. Its footsteps were silent as it walked across the smooth tile floors.

No footsteps were heard and no presence was felt.

Salivating with excitement, the figure smirked at its target. Its weapon was steadily drawn, ever so slightly scraping the scabbard. The figure posed to strike when a human girl grabbed it's neck from behind.

The figure tried to pull away as it struggled to breathe. When it started to jab its elbow her ribs, the girl raised one hand and attempted to force water down its windpipe with her power. After a minute's struggle, there was a flash of blinding light. The target awoke just in time to see a blur and a frightened girl's face. The target screamed. "CHELSEA!"

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