Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dorien and Genevieve spent an hour looking for Chelsea. By the time they found her, Genevieve legs were aching. They finally found Chelsea in one of the guest rooms, making the bed.

"Oh, hey guys," she said, as they entered the room. "What's up?" She tucked a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear. Chelsea was wearing a maid dress, with her hair tucked in a tight bun. Her sky blue eyes filled with happiness as her two best friends walking into the room.

"Are you done with work?" Dorien asked.

"Of course she's free." Genevieve stated. "She going to be with the princess. The headmistress will surely let her off the hook."

"Sure." Chelsea snorted. "The last time, Mother didn't really 'let me off the hook' like you said."

"Well, today's my birthday, so I get to do whatever I want."

Chelsea gave her a pointed look, with her eyebrow raised. "Seriously?" When it was clear that Genevieve wasn't joking, Chelsea lightly scowled. "Fine. But you are taking all the blame."

"I'm okay with that." Genevieve grinned.


Chelsea sat down in the garden. "Oh! I forgot to get your present! Let me go get it! Come on, Dorien!"

"Oh. Okay. Just leave me here on my birthday. All alone in the world. What a horrible day." Genevieve sighed, faking a sad face.

Dorien rolled his eyes. "Don't be melodramatic Gen."

"Are you coming, Dorien?" Chelsea shouted.

"I'm coming! Gosh!" Smirking, he looked over at Genevieve, "So demanding."


About ten minutes later, Chelsea and Dorien came bursting back into the garden with a gift. "Here." Chelsea handed the neatly wrapped indigo box to Genevieve.

"Oooh! What is it?"

"I don't know, why don't you open it and see?"

Genevieve opened the box, gingerly opening every fold. She then opened the lid of the box and looked inside.

Genevieve took out the gift. It was a shell necklace. "It's beautiful. I love it."

"It has magic too." Chelsea said, beaming.

"Really?" Genevieve was amazed. "What does it do?"

"It's a metadídon shell necklace."

"A what?"

"It's a bunch of communicator shells. The shells a way of communicating if you're busy or free. I got a necklace for me and Dorien too. This way, we can communicate without having to find each other. When one of us is free the shell, whisper 'free' to the shell. Ours' will glow green. If you're not free, say 'busy' and it will glow red. If it glows and you're busy, then you just whisper no to the shell. If you're free, whisper yes. Got it?"

"Sure." Genevieve said. As she glanced around the garden, she saw Dorien sitting in a small colony of coral, digging the sand. "What are you doing?"

Dorien kept on digging, not hearing Genevieve. After a few moments, Dorien stood up a triumphant look on his face, holding something in his hand. "Found it!"

Chelsea had a confused look. "Found what?"

Dorien held up his discovery. It was a small blue bracelet imprinted with the words 'Best Friends Forever.' Dorien grinned. "Remember this?"

Chelsea was in shock. "Oh my god! No way!"

Realization struck Genevieve's mind. "Don't tell me that's-"

"It is," Dorien said, a grin stuck on his face.

Chelsea gasped at the memory. Genevieve could understand. When they were little, Chelsea, Dorien and Genevieve all made best friend bracelets for each other for each of their birthdays. Then, they would hide those bracelets for each other to find. Slowly, it became a tradition for them. Every year, on each of their birthdays, the other two would make a bracelet for them and hide it somewhere at the castle. However, they grew out of it by the time Genevieve was twelve.

Chelsea interrupted Genevieve's thoughts, grabbing the bracelet from Dorien. "It's your's," she said to Genevieve. "Seems like Dorien made it. I mean, it looks really ugly, but it just could be the fact that it's been buried for many years."

"Hey!" Dorien cried. "I was six when I made that! Don't judge me!" He took the bracelet from Chelsea and turned to Genevieve. He sat on one knee, taking Genevieve's hand in his. He slipped the bracelet on Genevieve's wrist. "For you, m'lady," he said in a very distinguished voice.

Genevieve giggled. "Thank you, kind sir," she replied.

Chelsea rolled her eyes. She then glanced at the clock. "Oh. It's getting late. I've got to go. It's almost lunchtime and Mother will probably be wondering where I am. I have to sneak back into the kitchens before Mother finds out I'm gone." She added, "If I get caught, I'm pinning all the blame on you."

Genevieve shrugged indifferently. "Sure. Go ahead. No like she's going to yell at me. She'll probably forgive you anyways. It is my birthday today."

"I've got to go too." Dorien said. "I have a very important date with a book. See you guys later," he said, as he left the garden.


After lunch, Genevieve strolled back to her room. She was devising a plan as to what to do when she got out of the palace. As she was walking, she heard one of the laundry maids say, "Apparently, he never came to the meeting."

"But he never missed a meeting before!," said another surprised.

"Exactly!" said the first, hushing her tone.

"...Maybe he got caught?" the second questioned, prickling with alarm.

"Perhaps... except he was one of the Wildflower's top spies!"

As the chatter grew, Genevieve thought about the conversation that she had heard. A spy got caught by the king?! That was some serious news. Genevieve knew about the rebels (the group was named the Wildflowers), but she was always told that it was a myth. Genevieve felt curious, since the maids were talking about as if they were in it!

Genevieve briskly turned into the corridor to ask the maids about the Wildflowers, but visibly slumped when she saw that they were already gone. Well, if it was true what they said, and the Wildflowers was real, then Genevieve would just have to be careful from now on. She didn't want to be caught with a rebel and be sent to the king.

But the conversation still left her uneasy as she left the palace and out into the wilderness of Gíinos.



Next post will be on Monday.


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